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Values of Older Aircraft Still Fall While Lease Rentals Rise
Lessors Start to Recoup With Higher Interest Rates Despite the improvement in demand there are still some 10,000 aircraft in storage, mostly older aircraft, and many are destined to see a limited return to service at best, thus prompting values to fall while inflationary pressures serve to see a contrary…

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September 26, 2022
Fuel Price Disconnect & SAF Premium May Hinder Value Recovery
While the price of a barrel of crude oil may be falling from earlier highs, jet fuel prices are no longer remain on a par and the disconnect, along with the higher cost of SAF, is causing operators to consider limiting capacity, thereby potentially impacting the overall demand for used…

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September 26, 2022
Are A320ceo Lease Rates On A Par with the B737-800?
The lease rentals of the A320ceo and B737-800 have been recovering since the lows of the second quarter 2020 and demand for both types remains sufficiently strong as to allow an increase but perhaps because of the problems with the MAX, rates for the latter may still be slightly higher.…

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September 26, 2022
A350-900 Values Recover to Pre-Covid Forecasts
Two years ago, there was an expectation that values of even more modern widebodies would not achieve parity with pre-Covid projections until at least 2024 or even later but for some aircraft types, such equivalence has now been achieved although higher inflation has been a contributing factor in the recovery.…

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September 26, 2022
Turboprop Lease Placements Become Easier
To some extent the turboprop lessors experienced greater problems than the lessors of jet aircraft during the Covid Event but as the market has recovered, then so too has the ability to place turboprops, The restructuring of Nordic Aviation Capital points to the difficulty that this segment of the market…

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September 26, 2022
A319 Values Suffer from Structural Changes
While initially exhibiting a modest recovery from the ravages of the Covid Event, values have more recently seen a measure of weakness. With production of the A319 having effectively ended a decade ago operators have increasingly preferred larger aircraft. The market for the A319 has experienced some surges of interest…

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September 26, 2022
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The A319
Market Presence. The A319 has experienced a number of fortunes during the course of its 23 year history, ranging from a shortage to an excess through to sustained popularity and at least parity with Boeing products. The 1,486 orders and the number of operators underline the popularity of the type…

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September 26, 2022
New A320neo Values “Restored” to Pre-Covid Levels
The value of a new A320neo has seen a rapid improvement such that the value of a new example virtually matches that of a new example prior to Covid Event. The value of a new A320neo lost approximately twenty percent in the aftermath of the Covid Event but has been…

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September 26, 2022