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Lease Rates Of Older Types Fail to Close in on Pre-Pandemic Levels
But Lessors Become Less Conciliatory The lease rates for newer aircraft are rising and not solely because of the rise in interest rates but the same cannot be said for older types. A cautionary note was sounded by Miami-based GlobalX regarding lease rates of out of production aircraft. The operator…

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November 21, 2022
B737-800SF Lease Rentals Start To See Effects of Competition
The competition among lessors for the B737-800SF is beginning to have a negative effect on lease rentals. With a looming surplus of B737-800s and seemingly inexhaustible demand for freighters, the lessors have become major players in the conversion and leasing of freighter variants. With many lessors having in-house feedstock at…

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November 21, 2022
B777-200F Prices Continue to Soar As Orders Pile In
Despite the development of the B777-8F, orders for the B777F continue to be placed in numbers allowing Boeing to continue production of the B777 until the much-delayed B777-9 arrives in 2025. Values of new B777-200Fs barely faltered during the Covid Event due to the collapse of passenger traffic and the…

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November 21, 2022
Residual Stability as No New “Airplane” From Boeing - Perhaps
The implied reluctance from Boeing to launch an all-new aircraft in this decade offers the prospect of some stability for those currently in production and therefore some reassurance that residual values will not be undermined by the introduction of new types. Boeing has indicated that the development of a new…

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November 21, 2022
Tighter Supply Edges Rates Higher
With the recovery of the market now taking hold in Asia, aircraft are once again being acquired such that lessors of newer aircraft are able to secure higher rentals. The lease rentals are provided by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company Ltd (AVAC) or Rates are quoted in thousands…

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November 21, 2022
Older Widebodies May See Temporary Demand
As the manufacturers struggle to gear up production of widebodies, older types may be temporarily brought back into service but this is unlikely to warrant an improvement in values. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company, The Aircraft Value Analysis Rating (AVAR) reflects the considered…

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November 21, 2022
A330-200 Values Face Modest Decline
After experiencing a virtual collapse, values of the A330-200 are managing to remain relatively stable, temporarily buoyed by the surge in demand from Asian carriers. When the A330 and A340 were launched in 1987, Airbus had little intention of producing a long-range version of the twin-engined version. Airbus had developed…

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November 21, 2022
Aircraft Asset Assessment - A330-200
Market Presence. The A330-200 continues to face considerable headwinds even as the market recovers. The early -200s in particular are exposed. Aircraft are being placed but only on the basis of attractive prices. There continues to be hundreds that remain on the ground and have yet to be placed back…

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November 21, 2022
Values of New Embraer E190E1’s Achieved Partial Success
The value of a new E190 has experienced some changes before production finally ceased in 2020 reflecting the change in general market conditions and also specific demand for the larger regional jet. The E190 entered service soon after the all new E170. The E-Jets offered mainline levels of comfort and…

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November 21, 2022