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Inflation & Traffic Accelerate Value & Lease Rental Recovery
Newer Aircraft Benefit Most While Values of Used Languish Semi-Annual Market Overview Part 2 – Pent Up Demand Will Aid Recovery. The market is recovering, perhaps sooner than was expected during the depths of the pandemic, but fresh challenges have emerged that have to the potential to undermine the extent…

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October 24, 2022
Today is a Good Day for Freighter Rates – But Tomorrow?
The freighter market continues to show no signs of slowing in terms of the appetite for conversions and new B777Fs but airfreight traffic is showing some cracks. The zero tolerance of Covid in China continues and the iPhone manufacturing hub of Zhengzhou (not directly impacted by the measures) locked down…

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October 24, 2022
Inflation & Traffic See Higher Values
Inflationary pressures – the highest for forty years – are forcing net prices of new aircraft ever higher which in turn is generating some stability for some used aircraft. Moreover, traffic is surging albeit temporarily hampered by infrastructure constraints and this is seeing demand for more modern examples. Traffic though…

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October 24, 2022
B777-300 Values Face the Abyss
The B777-300 has always operated in the shadow of the -300ER and today that is even more the case. Values of the B777-300 continue to flounder even as the international market improves by leaps and bounds. The B777-300 has always failed to inspire being one of Boeing’s “B” variants and…

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October 24, 2022
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The B777-300
Market Presence. The -300 has been in service for more than 20 years and as such it is little wonder that the first units have been scrapped. The limited range of the -300, at least with respect to the capability of most other current widebodies, makes it suited to the…

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October 24, 2022
A380 Values Fail to Improve Despite Return to Service
The values of the A380 collapsed, partly as a result of Covid but also because of a changing market structure, and while a number have been restored to service, many others remain in storage with operators still seeking a solution to a seemingly intractable problem. A total of 251 A380s…

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October 24, 2022