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Need for Long-Term A330-200 Residuals To Compensate for B7E7
Airbus Ponders Replacement/Upgrade As Part of Wider Product Change The mid-November meetings of customers arranged by both Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Airbus to consider the B7E7 and new Airbus products, respectively, increases the need for existing long-term residuals to compensate for the introduction of new products. The B7E7, if finally…

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December 1, 2003
Concern Mounts Over Values of Older A320s
With a product life cycle now stretching back for nearly 16 years, some concern exists that values of younger examples will perform better than the older due to incremental improvement in specification and age, despite the improvement in market conditions. As production of the B757 draws to a close, the…

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December 1, 2003
A319 Residuals Gain Further Credibility from Low-Cost Carrier Commitments
After the much heralded order from low-fare carrier easyJet for A319s, the order for 25 A320 family aircraft from Atlantic Coast Airlines (ACA) [Nasdaq: ACAI] provides further evidence of the widespread appeal of the type. Current and residual value calculations are heavily dependent on the assessment of remarketability both now…

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December 1, 2003
B747-400F Values Face Conflicting Fortunes
Current values of the B747-400F appear to vary widely due to a variety of positive and negative factors. Values for the same B747-400F can vary between $70 million and $85 million depending on whether the negatives seem dominant. The problems at Atlas Air, which may see some resolution of the…

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December 1, 2003
Widebody Rentals Remain Resolute
Rentals for some widebodies continue to improve as the market sees sustained, if sporadic, improvement. The approaching holiday festivities should provide further opportunities for the major airlines to pack passengers in, improve yields and make the most of another peak period. For the last two years, there has been significant…

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December 1, 2003
Values of Some Narrowbodies Start To Rise
Values of at least some narrowbodies, particularly the newer examples, are starting to rise as supply weakens. The types that are managing to achieve a modest increase are few and far between. However, the very fact that a few aircraft can exhibit such a rise is in stark contrast to…

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December 1, 2003
Values of B737-300 Remain Uncertain
Despite some of the evidence that lease rentals of the B737 Classic may be enjoying a measure of improvement, there remains concern as to whether values will benefit. Even during the recession of 10 years ago, values of the B737-300 experienced only a modest fall, largely as a consequence of…

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December 1, 2003
Decline in Availability Levels Offer Respite for Some Values
Despite divergent views on the level of availability, various sources all seem to agree that the trend is clearly downwards, offering the prospect of an improvement in values of at least some aircraft, if not others. The number of jet aircraft being advertised for sale or lease, as determined by…

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December 1, 2003
Ending of B757 Production Fails To Provide Fillip for Tu204-120
The delay in European certification of the Russian Tu204 featuring Western engines and avionics will further hamper the meager opportunities that may have emerged as a consequence of the expected closure of the competing B757 production line next year. Waiting in the wings for seemingly decades, the competitor to the…

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December 1, 2003