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Freighter Values Remain On Edge
There now exist a myriad of indications that the world economy is on the brink of a recovery. Freighter values, though, continue to suffer from events of the last few years rather than compensate for expected improvements. Demand for airfreight capacity is usually among the first beneficiaries of an improved…

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September 8, 2003
B737-700 Among First To Enjoy Revival
With many of the negatives having been resolved, the market is beginning to turn and the -700 is among the first to experience renewed vigor. Even though the market focuses on the successful B737-800, the -700 has quietly established a solid market base, albeit at the expense of the B737-300.…

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September 8, 2003
Mixed Fortunes For Corporate Jet Values
Corporate jet values, still considered to possess better residuals than commercial transports, continue to face turbulent times. Values of some corporate jets have managed to stabilize in recent months, notably Falcon 200s, though the majority has experienced continued declines. The larger aircraft, such as the Gulfstream IV, have seen the…

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September 8, 2003
B747-400F Residuals Impacted By Unfolding Events
The emergence of a possible "new" B747-400F, the problems of Atlas Air, and the growing appetite for conversion of -400 passenger units are all conspiring to place pressure on residuals of the -400F. The B747-400F has increasingly taken over the mantle of most desirable freighter due to its superior range…

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September 8, 2003
Air Canada Restructuring Dampens Current Values
The consequence of the restructuring of Air Canada is far reaching, going beyond even the impact of Swissair and Sabena. The handback of a number of aircraft to owners who had believed that providing finance for a flag carrier would pose little risk has shaken confidence such that a number…

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September 8, 2003
Turboprop Rentals Remain Under Pressure
The supply of turboprops outweighs demand such that lease rentals continue to face weakness. While there remain pockets of demand, regional jets are still being delivered in sufficient quantity to displace turboprops. The disposal en masse of some 10 to 20 turboprops by a single operator usually requires re-absorption by…

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September 8, 2003
A320 Availability Continues to Cause Concern
The number of A320s being advertised for sale or lease remains at stubbornly high levels, restricting the long awaited recovery in lease rates and values. Since the beginning of the year the number of A320s in storage has increased from some 30 to approximately 40. Availability has remained at around…

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September 8, 2003