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Extended Iraqi Campaign Increases Anxiety Over Values
Collapse of Major U.S. Carrier Would Result In Discounts The continuing war in Iraq has increased the prospects of operators collapsing, potentially leading to a rapid increase in the level of availability of aircraft and causing values to weaken further. The difficulties associated with war risk can increase with the…

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April 7, 2003
Corporate Jet Values Take A Beating
Values of corporate jets continue to be adversely affected by weak economic conditions such that some types have experienced a near 10 percent decline over the last quarter. The corporate jet market is often viewed as the barometer of the world economy. When the economy is buoyant, values of corporate…

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April 7, 2003
Changes In CRJ700 Specification Could See Shift in Values
The changes being proposed for the CRJ700 underline the fluid nature of the regional jet market and the need to constantly reassess current and residual values for the myriad of types that have emerged. Residuals of new larger regional jets continue to face uncertainty, as customers cut back, the U.S.…

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April 7, 2003
Short-Term Rentals Dominate Widebody Market
Short-term rentals usually warrant a higher net rate due to actual and perceived risk, but such are the dire market conditions that premiums remain elusive. The normal justification for higher rates for shorter term rental lies in the perceived greater cost associated with refurbishment, shorter accrual time for maintenance reserves,…

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April 7, 2003
New Narrowbody Values Remain Stable
Although the predicament of United is cause for considerable speculation concerning values of A319s and A320s, the market in general has achieved a measure of stability. While not all values of newer narrowbodies are enjoying this stability, those that are perceived to be popular are managing to shrug off the…

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April 7, 2003
A340-300 Residuals Remain Stable
Despite the arrival of the A340-600 and a modest upgrade to the -300, values of the existing -300 continue to see a measure of stability, not least because of the lack of appetite among U.S. carriers. The long-range capability of the A340-300 has to date provided a measure of success…

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April 7, 2003
Values of B747-200Fs Buffeted by Atlas Predicament
The reorganization of the Atlas management in the face of financial difficulties is a cause for concern for once strong CF6 powered B747-200F values. The almost halving of revenue from the ACMI lease business has been compensated by substantial business from the U.S. military. With the recent announcement about reinforcement…

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April 7, 2003
Range Enhancement of B777-200LR Seeks To Stifle A340-500 Demand
Residuals of the long-range versions of the B777 and A340, namely the -200LR and -500, have not fared well due to lack of orders. But improvements to the range potential of the former seeks to satisfy demand from operators for better trans-Pacific capability through an increase in the MTOW and…

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April 7, 2003