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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-300QC
Newer Freighters in the Highest Demand
With the ongoing transition of the world economy from recession to recovery, the demand for freighter capacity continues to increase sufficiently as to warrant further optimism about values. Despite the difficulties of Atlas Air, the wider freighter market continues to experience considerable growth, particularly in Asia. The Asian market, dominated…

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May 31, 2004
Wet Lease Activity Offers Prospect of Higher Rents
The demand for wet leased airfreight capacity has increased sufficiently to allow dry lease rentals to further stabilize. Despite the problems being experienced by Atlas Air, now in Chapter 11, the carrier has reported increased interest in wet leases. Supply may still be in excess of demand with B747-200Fs in…

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April 19, 2004
Freighter Values Edge Nearer to Recovery
The demand for airfreight capacity continues to increase to the degree that there is now an expectation that the values of at least some aircraft types will recover. The weak dollar, possibly lasting through to the November U.S. presidential elections, will be the stimulus for extra trading activity between the…

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February 23, 2004
Freighter Rates Start Long Haul To Recovery
The last quarter of 2003 provided the foundations for an improvement in freighter lease rentals. The run up to the end of the year saw the usual surge in demand for airfreight capacity such that on some routes, space was at a premium. The Far Eastern carriers in particular saw…

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January 26, 2004
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values Seek to Shrug Off Security Woes The latest round of high profile media attention on aviation-related security issues has the potential to adversely affect the tenuous recovery in lease rentals should such issues persist or manifest into terrorist action. Prior to the current spate of problems, the industry was…

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January 12, 2004
Values of Freighters Remain on Verge of Recovery
With the expansion of the U.S. economy and the arrival of the peak airfreight season come the prospect of improved fortunes for much affected freighter values. Freighter values are usually the first category to experience an improvement when a recovery occurs. Normally the amount of surplus freighter capacity, even during…

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November 17, 2003
Freighter Values Remain On Edge
There now exist a myriad of indications that the world economy is on the brink of a recovery. Freighter values, though, continue to suffer from events of the last few years rather than compensate for expected improvements. Demand for airfreight capacity is usually among the first beneficiaries of an improved…

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September 8, 2003
Year End Improvement for Freighter Values?
Though there remains considerable caution over the state of the world economy, the major factors restraining growth have dissipated, increasing the prospect of renewed and substantive demand in the latter part of the year for airfreight capacity. The last quarter has seen the ending of the Iraq conflict and lifting…

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August 11, 2003
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