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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-300QC
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Newer Aircraft Types on the Up In the current climate of high fuel prices, the values of newer aircraft types that offer greater fuel efficiency have risen further over the last six months. There is a growing disparity between supply and demand. While there was an imbalance in…

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September 5, 2005
Some Freighter Rentals Show Slight Increase
The cargo market continues to grow and with it the demand for cargo capacity. The high price of fuel is inevitably having an impact on some of the older freighters, which are being replaced with newer types. However, to a large extent, the demand for cargo space is overcoming any…

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July 25, 2005
Freighter Values Remain Stable
The strength of the cargo sector is such that values of most freighters have remained unchanged or even experienced a slight improvement over the course of the last quarter. The traditionally lean first quarter has been replaced with sustained growth largely because of demand from China and a generally improving…

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April 18, 2005
Improving Market Keeps Values on Even Keel
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing Highlights Resurgence The development of the B7E7, the launch of the A350, the likelihood of major updates to the B737NG and A320 families before 2010 are all factors that are drawing attention away from the modest improvement in current market values for most of the…

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January 24, 2005
Freighter Values Gain in Run-Up to Holidays
The holiday season is traditionally a time when airfreight capacity is in short supply and operators can make considerable profits. There appears to be no difference this year. There continues to be significant demand for freighters in the run-up to the end of the year. This is translating into not…

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December 13, 2004
Freighter Rentals Enjoy Sustained Rise
The fourth quarter of any year is traditionally among the strongest for the freighter market, due in large part to the holidays. The run-up to the festive period involves a marked increase in demand for airfreight capacity. The commercialism of the holiday season stimulates the need for more time sensitive…

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November 29, 2004
Freighter Values Continue to Strengthen
The strengthening of the world economy, specifically in the U.S. and China, continues to generate demand for airfreight capacity, despite the high price of oil. The appetite for freighter capacity is, however, selective. There is greater enthusiasm for more modern equipment, especially in a period of higher fuel prices. The…

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September 6, 2004
Freighter Rentals Continue to Rise
The continued growth of the world economy has boosted demand for freighter capacity, prompting a further rise in lease rentals. The cargo sector has seen sustained demand for the last two years. The ongoing strength of the Chinese economy and the increased consumer appetite for high-value items have been among…

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August 9, 2004
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