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Opportunities Emerge for More VIP Airliners
The availability of some many commercial aircraft, combined with a lack of appetite and ability to travel on commercial aircraft, means that there could be a rise in the number of aircraft that are selected for conversion to VIP aircraft, particularly as Airbus has already announced a VIP version of…

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October 12, 2020
B717 Values Finally Reflect Reality
The B717 is facing new market realities due to the Covid Event. For so many years the vulnerability of the type was masked by the appetite from one or two operators but no longer. The veil has been lifted and the real level of demand in terms of the wider…

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October 12, 2020
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The B717
Market Presence. Cobham, Delta, Hawaiian, and Volotea are the only operators of the B717. The lack of success for the B717 has little to do with its performance and capability. The ruggedness of the design made it ideal for short haul operations. In-service experience demonstrated that efficiency was better than…

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October 12, 2020
A330-200 Values Fail to Advance Due to Excess Storage Levels
The values and lease rentals of the A330-200 were discounted to a considerable degree at depths of the current downturn in April due to the Covid Event but while there has been some improvement, with only 35 percent of the fleet active, there is little evidence to suggest that an…

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October 12, 2020
Widebody Rentals Flounder Despite Modest Route Restoration
Lessees Contract Operations As International Traffic Remains Weak The massive layoffs by American and United Airlines underscores the unprecedented difficulties of the airlines and the need for fleet contractions, particularly with respect to international operations. The issue for the airlines is that the Covid Event has been affecting operations for…

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October 12, 2020
Nepal Seeks to Seal Sale of Only B757-200C for $5.7 Million
The market for freighters is one of the few areas for optimism during the Covid Event as the deal between Nepal Airlines and CSDS Aircraft Sales and Leasing demonstrates. The deal is edging towards completion with the purchase price remaining at pre-Covid levels. The purchase price of $5.7 million was…

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October 12, 2020
Long Term Storage Adds to Aircraft Discounting
The values of aircraft placed into long term storage are increasingly being discounted over and above Covid Event reductions due to the cost and administration involved in returning the aircraft to service. The values of most aircraft have been adversely affected by the Covid Event but for the younger aircraft…

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October 12, 2020
Turboprop Rentals Stable After Weakness
The market for turboprops is something of a conundrum. On the one hand, the domestic and short haul sectors have been able to recover that much sooner than other sectors but at the same time the propensity for air travel, the limited leisure industry and the absence of business travel…

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October 12, 2020