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Aircraft Archive: Embraer 120
Residuals of CSeries May Get Boost With “$26m” Delta Order
While the pricing of the CSeries is open to debate, as are the significant losses to be made on the examples to be made on the deliveries in the first years of the program, there can be little doubt that the Delta order for 75 CS100s represents a significant boost…

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May 16, 2016
Values of Turboprops Remain Stable Despite Fuel
The lower price of fuel, which should seemingly allow operators to fly regional jets more efficiently, has not had an impact on the values of turboprops as demand for used equipment remains robust. The turboprop market is one that is largely ignored by the air transport community primarily as the…

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March 7, 2016
Mid Life Widebodies Gain From Lower Fuel Price
The low price of fuel, albiet at the expense of a stronger dollar, has provided a fillip to the values of the mid life widebodies. The cost of fuel represents a major portion of direct operating costs for any operator, all the more so with used aircraft. Used aircraft typically…

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February 22, 2016
Market for ATR72-600 Remains Strong
The announcement that Singapore based lessor, Avation, has placed an order for six ATR72-600 underlines the attraction of the type to the leasing community at a time when the margins on the A320ceo and B737NG are ever tighter. The order for six more aircraft adds to ATR72-600s already delivered. According…

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February 22, 2016
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Used Widebody Values Suffer But Aircraft Ratings Largely Stable The demand for new aircraft remains unprecedented with the manufacturers increasing production but values of such new aircraft have failed to rise and even a rise in U.S. interest rates has had little positive effect on lease rentals. The world economy…

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January 11, 2016
Values Continue to Exhibit Age Related Decline
As passenger traffic has risen, the demand for new aircraft has been such that Airbus and Boeing have increased production. The rise in traffic however has become increasingly capacity driven whereby the availability of more seats has generated ever more passenger demand. To fill aircraft, fares have had to become…

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December 14, 2015
Values of B747-400 Fall By 10 Percent Over Six Months
The pressure on the values of the B747-400 remains intense and values of the type have fallen by another ten percent over the course of the last six months. The market for the B747-400 has remained extremely difficult for a number of years as operators have sought to meet demand…

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November 30, 2015
Only Values of A350 & B787 Remain Stable
The market for most widebodies in production or for those having recently ceased being produced continues though the comments from the Delta CEO regarding a “bubble” cannot be ignored. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company, The Aircraft Value Analysis Rating (AVAR) reflects the considered…

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November 16, 2015
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