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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A321
Lease Rentals Stable Despite Backlog
Based on strong traffic growth and a record backlog lease rentals should be rising but competition among lessors is still sufficiently strong as to keep lease rentals stable. The competition from newer lessors eager to secure market share as quickly as possible are allowing the less financially secure lessees to…

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May 18, 2015
Residual Values Favor Larger Narrowbodies as Upsizing Continues
The dynamics of the market have changed such that there is increasing emphasis on larger aircraft which could serve to displace existing smaller capacity equipment. As traffic continues to grow operators will have to increasingly make the decision of whether to increase the size of the fleet or increase the…

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May 4, 2015
Values Remain Large Stable Aided by Fuel Price
The lower price of fuel is providing a measure of breathing space for used narrowbodies. The values of used aircraft have been under pressure as a result of the drive towards newer aircraft that offer greater efficiency. Now that the differential in operating costs is being narrowed there is lesser…

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March 23, 2015
Long Term Residuals of A321neo Not Threatened by B757 Replacement
Boeing seems to have finally realized that re-engining the B757 is unlikely to generate the necessary interest to warrant development and instead seems focused on re-invigorating a version of the defunct B787-3. Airbus has already launched the A321LR – Long Range – version of the A321neo offering a MTOW of…

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March 9, 2015
American Airlines EETC Shows Variable Current Values
The American Airlines 2014-1 EETC of September 2014 continued to show resilient market values but also a measure of disparity between appraisers in terms of current values for some aircraft types. The American EETC comprised five A319s delivered in 2013 with a 75.5 tonne MTOW; seven A321 delivered in 2014…

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March 9, 2015
Values of CFM56 Powered A321-200s On Watch as IAE Climbs
While the relevance of airframe/engine combinations has been diminishing in recent years due to the advancing use of the engine support programs by the manufacturers and the creation of dual engine fleets, the disparity between the CFM56 and the V2500 on A321 in favour of the latter is increasingly seen…

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February 23, 2015
“Value” of BFE Takes on Greater Significance
Valuing widebody interiors on the basis of list pricing has long since lost its relevance as operators undertake upgrades using the latest technology potentially rendering older equipment obsolete and worthless. A new aircraft usually comprises a basic specification for which the customer needs to specify additional equipment to match their…

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February 23, 2015
Airbus List Prices for 2015 Rise by 3.3%
Airbus list prices for 2015 show a rise of nearly 3.3 percent across all aircraft types but the difficulty will be in translating this rise into net base pricing for new orders and in achieving an increase in profitability. The rise in list prices quoted by Airbus are largely an…

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January 26, 2015