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A330-200F Values Remain Under Pressure As Etihad Withdraws Fleet
Despite the recovery of airfreight the values of the A330-200F remain under pressure due to the limited number of orders, restricted operator base, dwindling operator base, and availability. The orderbook for the A330-200Fs numbers only 42 of which 38 have been delivered leaving a backlog of only four units. As…

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February 5, 2018
Rentals Competitive for Regional Jets
The service entry of the Embraer E2 is edging closer with the April 24th 2018 being slated as the date for the first delivery, thus marking a shift in the product line up which inevitably impacts the rentals of existing models. The development of the Embraer E2 has progressed virtually…

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February 5, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. The market for the remains reasonable with few if any -300Fs actually on the market. the move by Amazon to form its own fleet will surely see further growth in the coming years with placement of orders for conversions a distinct possibility. The values of passenger configured B767-300ERs…

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February 5, 2018
Asking Prices for Boeing Aircraft Still Higher Than Values
The asking prices for older Boeing aircraft in particular are still usually higher than market values suggesting that the actual net selling price will be lower than that advertised. A 1996 B737-500 is on the market with an asking price of $2.3 million which compares with $1.8 million (Aircraft Values…

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February 5, 2018
A380 Values Earn Respite With Emirates Order
The commitment from Emirates to order additional A380s represents a reprieve for the program and perhaps allows values to escape from a sustained precipitous fall that has been in evidence more recently. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) comes as both Airbus and Emirates were aware of the damage being done…

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February 5, 2018
Values Achieve Stability if Not Improvement
The improvement in airfreight traffic continues and this is allowing some capacity to be reabsorbed into the market and as such values for most freighters is stable and possibly rising. The growth in airfreight is however, not being solely met by the dedicated freighters but is also being served by…

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February 5, 2018
Boeing Hikes List Prices by More Than 4 Percent
But Net Prices Remain Virtually Stagnant The differential between list prices and values of new aircraft continues to widen as Boeing announces a rise of 4.1 percent. The publishing of list prices has come earlier in the year matching the release date of those provided by Airbus. The average rise…

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February 5, 2018
Competition for Newer A320ceos Sees High Prices But Low Lease Rates?
The continued growth of the market, in terms of traffic and desire to participate in aviation financing, is fueling a rise in willingness to pay above value prices for aircraft while at the same time, accepting sometimes lower than market rentals. Compared with a decade ago when there were perhaps…

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February 5, 2018
B767-300F Values Achieve Stability
The values of the B767-300F are managing to achieve a measure of stability as the airfreight market has strengthened and new operators such as Amazon come to the fore. Boeing still has the only family of production freighters in the form of the B767, B777 and B747. Due to the…

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February 5, 2018
B737-400SF Lease Rentals Holding Steady Despite -800SF Progress
The lease rentals of the B737-400SF have remained strong for nearly a decade despite an ageing airframe and competition. The number of B737-400SFs – all of which have been converted from passenger aircraft – has grown to more than 130. More aircraft are scheduled to be converted. The difficulty lies…

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February 5, 2018