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Values of A321neo Likely to be Consolidated by Increase in Seating Capacity
The values of the A321neo may only now be starting to be calculated but prospects for residuals have already been improved by an increase in range and now by the possibility of an increase in capacity. Hawaiian Airlines, in placing a significant order for 16 A321neos, expects the new aircraft…

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January 28, 2013
Lease Rentals Fail to Inspire
The airfreight market remains in the doldrums though the latest data from IATA shows a slight increase in traffic in recent months. Between October and November 2012, airfreight traffic increased by a reasonable 2.4 percent with domestic traffic rising by 2.9 percent and international by 2.4 percent according to IATA…

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January 28, 2013
Values of ATR72-500 & -600 Remain Strong
The recent placement of orders for the ATR72-600, combining with the success of the -500, has meant that the current and residual values of both variants are managing to shrug off the negative effects of speculation concerning a possible replacement. The demand for the ATR72 has not only emerged from…

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January 28, 2013
Airbus List Prices Rise By 3.6 Percent
Gap Between List & Net Prices Increases But At Slower Pace The list prices of Airbus products for 2013 have increased by an average of 3.6 percent showing that the manufacturers still have inflationary pressures. The 3.6 percent price increase applies to nearly products except the A318 which had a…

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January 28, 2013
“Museum Effect” & “Value Convergence” ­­­­Dominate
Stage 2 or Chapter 2 aircraft are nomenclatures that have little relevance in todays market belonging more to the history books than representing a part of the mainstream fleet that possess asset value. The “Museum Effect” comes into play when the primary means of disposal is via a donation to…

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January 28, 2013
Lack of Long Range ETOPs For B787 Puts Further Pressure on Values
The variety of well publicized problems besetting the B787 can be expected to temporarily undermine one of the basic capabilities of the type, namely serving long routes using ETOPs, thereby potentially affecting values. United Airlines intended to use the B787 on the Houston-New Zealand route using 330 minutes ETOPs, nearly…

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January 28, 2013
Selection of Pratt & Whitney Engine for “New” E-Jet Signals New Era
The selection by Embraer of the Pratt & Whitney PW1700G and PW1900G engine instead of a new offering from incumbent engine supplier on the E-Jets, GE, points to a move to present the re-engined E-Jets as more than a modest re-engining which may have implications for residual values of the…

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January 28, 2013