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Values Fall As Market Faces Disparate Weakness
The values of some narrowbodies have continued to experience some weakness as a result of the economic malaise in some regions and as remarketing of used aircraft proves problematical. The problems in Europe and North America have not been sufficiently resolved as to allow confidence to return, thus enabling more…

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September 24, 2012
B737-800 Values Pass the Peak
The effect of a replacement aircraft and extending product life cycle for the incumbent model, coupled with weaker market conditions, are inevitably taking their toll on the most popular of narrowbodies, the B737-800NG, despite the service entry of the B737MAX still being some five years away. The market for the…

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September 24, 2012
Requirement for B787 Upgrades Continues to Plague Values of Early Examples
The values of early build B787s continues to be subject of much debate as production standards differ and as aircraft undergo rectification work. Royal Air Maroc placed an early order for the type and had hoped to be among the first to receive the new aircraft. However, despite two Royal…

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September 24, 2012
Turboprop Lease Rentals Buck Downward Trend
Lease rentals of mainline jets continue to face downward pressures but those for turboprops remain resilient. The turboprop manufacturers continue to manage a reasonable rather than substantive backlog which suggests that operators are sourcing capacity from the used market. The operators of turboprops are in any event, usually more restrained…

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September 24, 2012
Values of B737-900ER Relatively Stable As Orders Nudge Towards 550
The values of the B737-900ER have been the subject of considerable debate since the type first entered service but with orders nearing 550 as a result of a significant switch by U.S. customer, perhaps the time is right for a measure of stability. The surge in -900ER orders stems from…

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September 24, 2012
A310-300 Values Continue to Decline
While the A310-300 continues to have a role to play values of the type are a shadow of former levels. With the cancellation of the B787-3, the A310 along with the B767-200 remains the smallest of widebodies. Only with the development of the next generation of narrowbodies in the next…

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September 24, 2012
Focus On C919 By Ryanair Aims to Achieve Discount from Boeing
Ryanair has long been promoting its appetite to acquire the Chinese offering from COMAC but with the emphasis on a stretched C919, it seems that the Irish carrier is more serious in extracting further concessions from Boeing. When Ryanair has previously sought to place a large order with Boeing, the…

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September 24, 2012