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B737 Classic Values Keep on Falling
The recent fall in the price of oil has done little to alleviate the problems surrounding the B737 Classic which is continuing to see displacement by newer aircraft and a fall in demand. The current market conditions for the B737-300 and -400 are far removed from those experienced only five…

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August 29, 2011
Certification of B747-8F Fails to Inspire Values
The long awaited certification of the B747-8F by the FAA and EASA has at last taken place but values continue to be fortunate to exceed $185 million. The delay to the B747-8F, coming after the debacle of the B787, represented a major embarrassment for Boeing. The aircraft has been delayed…

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August 29, 2011
Turboprop Residuals Face Threat of New Types
The market for turboprops is currently stable due in no small part to only incremental improvement in the design of the existing models. However, in the medium term this will change with the inevitable development of new aircraft. The narrowbody jet market is in a state of flux as a…

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August 29, 2011