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Probable B777 Freight Conversion Highlights Value Erosion
B777-200/-200ER Values Have Suffered Allowing Conversion Potential The imminent launch of a conversion program for the B777-200 and -200ER may provide some reassurance that there will be a future for those aircraft due to be retired in the coming years but it also underlines just how much values have fallen…

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October 12, 2009
B737RE & A320RE Programs Gather Pace Forcing Residual Value Analysis
With the aviation industry needing to deliver on a target of halving aircraft emissions by 2050, the move towards an interim solution for more efficient narrowbodies draws ever closer, making it necessary to continually re-assess residual value forecasts. A radical solution to reduced fuel efficiency and emissions is now some…

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October 12, 2009
Latest Biz Jet Forecast Sees Limited Short Term Recovery
The rate of fall in the price of business jets may have slowed in recent months but with more than 16 percent of the worlds business jet fleet still being advertised for sale, the excess will forestall a return to 1,000 deliveries per year. The year 2008 saw a record…

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October 12, 2009
Freighters Rentals Wait for Traffic Rebound
The drop in airfreight continues with IATA reporting a year on year fall. The reading of airfreight traffic levels will become increasingly complicated as a year ago traffic was already sliding. Comparing forthcoming monthly figures with those of a year ago will increasingly see lesser falls but will mask the…

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October 12, 2009
Widebody Values Continue to Face Difficult Times
While there are well intentioned or vested interest attempts to talk up the state of the market, widebody values in general continue to falter such that the last six months is likely to have seen another ten percent fall. Some regions continue to report reasonable growth but this is either…

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October 12, 2009
A330-200 Values Dip Amid Sustained Demand
The weaker market conditions have taken their toll on the values of the A330-200 and the premium previously applied to the type has dissipated amid a sense of realism. The delay in the development of the B787, as well as the elongated service entry of the A350, has led to…

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October 12, 2009
Aircraft Asset Assessment
A330-200 Market Presence. Orders for the A330-200 now clearly outstrip those for the A330-300 by a third despite the former having the advantage of five extra years of service. The A330-200 represents a formidable competitor to the smaller B767-300ER and the lack of success for the B767-400 is due in…

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October 12, 2009
Higher Weight A330-200 Warrants Premium
The introduction of a higher maximum take-off weight for the A330-200 warrants a premium over the standard 233 tonne version. The A330-200 has been in service since 1998 and initially featured a MTOW of 230 tonnes. This was subsequently increased 233 tonnes. The aircraft is now available with a MTOW…

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October 12, 2009