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Low-Cost Carriers May Wobble But Demand Remains Too Widespread
The spread of the low-cost model throughout the world has played a major contribution to the rise in value and lease rentals in recent years and even though some may be experiencing lower load factors, the net effect of the new market structure on residuals remains positive. Both Ryanair and…

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June 11, 2007
Long Term Narrowbody Residuals Face Uncertainty
Changing Engine Technology & Environmental Confusion Take Toll Long term residuals of the current crop of narrowbodies remain in a state of flux due to the uncertainty over the magnitude of the efficiency improvement to be offered by replacement products and their timing. Two years ago the timing and approximate…

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June 11, 2007
Updated Dash 8 Family Fails to Dent Residual Values
The potential development of a Dash8 family built around the design of the existing -400 is perhaps at too an early stage to represent a serious threat to residual values of existing models although the introduction of a new model invariably has negative connotations for the incumbent model. Bombardier, in…

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June 11, 2007
Greater Range For Smaller Embraer E-Jets Places
Pressure On Earlier Variants The introduction of new derivatives of the Embraer E-170 and E-175 may increase the pressure on values of standard versions. The appetite for longer range and improved performance is ever present from operators. The modern regional jet market is now dominated by a wide range of…

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June 11, 2007
B757 Values Continue To Creep Upwards
Values of the B757 continue to edge higher, buoyed by renewed demand and absence of either alternative lift and a direct successor. The recovery of the B757 has been evident for the last 18 months. The type is now essentially being retained by the U.S. majors and even added to…

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June 11, 2007
Freighter Rentals Remain Strong
The lease rentals for freighter aircraft remain strong despite some cracks appearing in the U.S. economy. The demand from other regions of the world continues to ensure that the market for air cargo capacity outstrips supply. The manufacturers are struggling to keep pace with the demand for new freighters and…

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June 11, 2007
Quality Examples Gain Some Credibility
Traders of older aircraft are perhaps the most experienced and savvy of the industry; they have to be. The aircraft being traded can easily result in profit or loss after perhaps months of negotiation. The aircraft in production may be flying off the shelves but for those trading in virtual…

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June 11, 2007
B737-700 Keep On Rising
Despite pronouncements that the peak in values and lease rentals were reached nearly two years ago, material rises have been evident with the expectation of further increases. Though the market still focuses on the successful B737-800, the -700 has quietly established a solid market base, albeit partly at the expense…

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June 11, 2007
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The B737-700 Market Presence. The B737-700 is endemic. Almost taken for granted, the B737-700 has secured some 1,270 orders of which over 839 have been delivered. However the -800 continues to be the most popular with nearly 2,200 orders. The -700 has achieved notable success, building upon the solid foundations…

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June 11, 2007