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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
Widebody Lease Rentals Yet to Recover
The market for widebodies remains under severe pressure as there exists a cautious approach to opening up international borders, particularly long haul, and this is causing great difficulties for the placement of both new and used widebodies. The U.S. domestic market is seeing a major recovery but perhaps because of…

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June 21, 2021
Value of Newer Types Experience Improvement
Fourteen months ago, in April 2020, the market was at its weakest due to the Covid Event. It was therefore in April 2020 that values fell by the greatest amount although there may have been a temptation to reduce values on an incremental basis for a variety of reasons. The…

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June 21, 2021
A318 Values Fail to Advance
The values of the A318 exhibited a major fall in percentage as a result of the Covid Event and there has not been any evidence of a recovery with the reverse being more likely. At least eighteen out of 80 produced had been scrapped even before the Covid Event and…

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June 21, 2021
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. Values have fallen and continue to do so even as aircraft are scrapped and parked. As a member of the A320 family, technology is not an issue for the A318. The interior of the A318, providing a wider diameter than the competition, is attractive for corporate customers so…

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June 21, 2021
Newer A320ceo Lease Rentals Still Weak But Slight Rise Evident
The market for the A320ceo is showing a sporadic improvement but much depends on the age of the aircraft, the length of the lease and the lessee. The lease rentals of the A320ceo experienced a greater than 20 percent decline a year ago due to the Covid Event. For the…

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June 21, 2021
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The B767-400
Market Presence. The B767-400 was not a success for Boeing and indeed the aircraft quickly became marginalized. With only two operators the aircraft is likely to remain with existing operators for some years to come. The values of the -400 have not performed well though they are largely theoretical given…

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June 7, 2021
Values of New A320neo’s Continue to Climb
The market for the A320neo never suffered to the same extent as for most other aircraft but even so values did fall by some 20 percent. The value of a new aircraft is defined as the value of an aircraft that has just been delivered by Airbus to a customer…

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June 7, 2021
Wide Discrepancy in B777-300ER Values
Values Still Seen as Falling The market for the B777-300ER, indeed the appetite for nearly all passenger widebodies, remains exceptionally difficult and as such the values of the -300ER have either not changed since the start of the Covid Event or have continued to fall. The values of the B777-300ER…

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June 7, 2021