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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
Reducing Storage Aids Regional Jet Rentals
The market for regional jets over the course of the eighteen months has been geocentric with the U.S. fleet notably employed while others have languished in storage. Storage alone does not necessarily dictate lease rentals but it does provide evidence as to potential demand and the ability of lessors to…

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November 22, 2021
Freighter Values At Their Peak
The airfreight market continues to enjoy strong growth with cargo traffic being some nine percent higher than the same period in 2019. When compared to September 2020 traffic is some 15 percent greater. The demand for airfreight, as detailed above, continues to show sustained growth not least because of some…

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November 22, 2021
B787-8 Values Fail to Recover from Covid
The market for the B787-8 remains muted and there is every expectation that in constrast to other widebodies in production, even values of new exmaples will have difficulty in being restored to pre-Covid levels for a number of years. During the late 1990s, Boeing began considering replacement aircraft programmes as…

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November 22, 2021
Aircraft Asset Assessment — B787-8
Market Presence. Following issues with the B737MAX, the FAA and Boeing identified issues with the B787 that has seen deliveries being halted during 2021. As of November 2021, deliveries had yet to restart. The FAA has been focused on production quality issues at Boeing over the B787. Boeing may also…

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November 22, 2021
Aircraft Ratings Show Improvement for In Production Narrowbodies
The Covid Event has inevitably caused the Aircraft Ratings of many aircraft to deteriorate but with the improvement in traffic and increased demand for fuel efficient aircraft, some Ratings have improved thus reducing the interest rate charged for some borrowers. The Aircraft Rating for many aircraft inevitably experienced a discernible…

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November 22, 2021
Aircraft Disposals Continue to Show Limited Interest in Older Aircraft
The sale of older aircraft remains a viable option but inevitably pricing remains low and an auction may be the only means of achieving an actual sale for cash. Belavia has placed one of its two B737-500s which are in storage for sale via an auction. EW-250PA (msn 26319) is…

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November 8, 2021
VVIPs Still de rigueur
There is a certain irony that the COP26 Environment meeting being held in Glasgow, Scotland, is seeing so many VVIP aircraft parked at Glasgow Airport. The very myriad of VVIP aircraft being used for the conference points to a sustained need for the type by not only governments but more…

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November 8, 2021
Aircraft Asset Assessment - A310-300
Market Presence. The A310-300 at least features a two-person cockpit though it lacks the sophistication of the later Airbus product range. The powerplants remained reasonably competitive for a number of years. Operational flexibility of the A310-300 varies considerably depending on the MTOW and whether additional fuel tanks are fitted in…

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November 8, 2021