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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas MD11F
Freighter Values Experience Material Fall
While there are some indications that the airfreight market is beginning to improve, the reality is that demand is still at odds with capacity and as such values have experienced a material fall over the last few months. The freight load factor remained significantly below 50 percent indicating that demand…

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May 21, 2012
Freighter Lease Rates Remain Under Pressure
The market for freighters remains fragile as demand continues to be at sufficiently low levels to force more aircraft to be parked. China Airlines has parked two B747-400Fs in the desert due to the fall in demand. While the results for February appeared to show some improvement in the freight…

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April 23, 2012
Lease Rates Stable At Best
Just as the fourth quarter of 2007 was considered to be point at which lease rentals started to falter before the Great Recession, the third quarter of 2011 has become the point at which lease rentals started to weaken once more as the aviation industry connected with the still weak…

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February 27, 2012
Freighter Lease Rates Continue to Stutter
The market for freighters continues to be volatile with some operators acquiring additional capacity while others are suspending operations. The suspension of services by Jade Cargo in December underlines the negatives facing the air cargo industry. Jade Cargo is co-owned by Air China and Lufthansa both of which have their…

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January 16, 2012
Freighter Lease Rates Falter
The lease rentals of freighters continues to remain under pressure as the fate of the world economy hangs in the balance. The month of August saw a considerable drop in traffic although it must be noted that a year previously, airfreight traffic increased by more than twenty percent. For the…

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October 10, 2011
Capacity Continues to Outstrip Demand
The lease rentals of freighters continue to hold steady rather than increase, as capacity continues to outstrip demand. According to IATA data, the month of May 2011 saw a fall of 4 percent compared to the same month in May 2010. The effects of the Japanese shortfall in industrial capacity…

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July 18, 2011
Rising Fuel Prices Favors Newer Aircraft
The month of February 2011 saw only a marginal improvement in freight traffic compared to the same month in 2010 although a year ago freight traffic was registering significant improvements. The price of fuel remains a concern for the freight market. Freight forwarders have traditionally been quick to apply fuel…

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April 25, 2011
MD11F Values Slip Despite Still Positive Cargo Growth
The appetite for the MD11F continues to be reflect the contradictory forces at work for the airfreight sector where growth is still being recorded but where consistency has recently has been elusive. Troubled Transmile of Malaysia has sold all four of its MD11SFs to FedEx for a price significantly below…

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March 14, 2011
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