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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas MD-87
MD83 Values Irrelevant
The values of the MD83 are so low as to make them irrelevant in terms of asset based financing. Despite still being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 have experienced sustained adversity. While during the period of growth between 2004 and 2007 the Ripple Effect…

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August 22, 2016
MD83 Values Fail to Clamber Out of Canyon
The values of the MD83 continue to remain depressed as they have been for nearly a decade but the size of the operator base shows that there remains interest in the type. Despite still being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 have experienced sustained adversity.…

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July 29, 2013
Lease Rates Stable At Best
Just as the fourth quarter of 2007 was considered to be point at which lease rentals started to falter before the Great Recession, the third quarter of 2011 has become the point at which lease rentals started to weaken once more as the aviation industry connected with the still weak…

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February 27, 2012
This is the second comprehensive current and future lease rate table to be published by Aircraft Value News. The table will be published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating…

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August 30, 2010
MD87 Values May Be At Rock Bottom But Still Some Appetite for Leasing
The values of the MD87 have long since disappointed but 65 remain in service and the placement of two units demonstrates at least some appetite for a marginalized type. The MD87 has long since been viewed a minor variant and values have been written down in recent years. Of the…

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April 26, 2010
MD83 Values Hit the Buffers
The values of the MD83 have continued to decline as the type faces the inevitable consequences of parking en masse and the move to newer equipment. Despite still being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 have experienced sustained adversity. While during the recent period of…

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March 30, 2009
Fuel Prices Increase Pressure on MD82 Values
Whatever the perceived opportunities that the MD82 offers in terms of lower capital costs, operators continue to dispose of the type in favor of newer, more efficient, equipment not least as a result of the escalating price of fuel. Some nine years ago, lack of availability and relative strength of…

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May 26, 2008
Annual Jet Aircraft Lease Rate Listing
Lease Rentals Remain Steady Despite Pressures Despite the growing uncertainties over the state of the U.S. economy and financial vulnerability, lease rates for most aircraft remains steady. Even with the fall in interest rates the appetite for aircraft is such that lease rentals remain steady, particularly for the more popular…

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March 17, 2008
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