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Aircraft Archive: Lockheed L1011-200F
Rentals Start to Exhibit Stability As Market Improves
Cargo traffic levels have increased sufficiently to encourage the reintroduction of previously surplus capacity. Chinese carriers saw a significant improvement in November, registering year on year rises of between 30-60 percent compared to the previous year. In particular China is importing more products, outpacing exports. There is increased emphasis on…

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February 1, 2010
Freighters Rentals Wait for Traffic Rebound
The drop in airfreight continues with IATA reporting a year on year fall. The reading of airfreight traffic levels will become increasingly complicated as a year ago traffic was already sliding. Comparing forthcoming monthly figures with those of a year ago will increasingly see lesser falls but will mask the…

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October 12, 2009
Freighter Values Continue to Flounder
The decline in airfreight traffic may not be as great as it was a few months ago but it remains sufficiently depressed as to continue to undermine values. There exists considerable excess capacity such that even if the world economy starts moving again, this will take time to translate into…

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August 3, 2009
Freighter Rentals Remain Under A Cloud
With ICAO forecasting that airfreight will be down a massive 17 percent for 2009 compared to 2008, the lack of demand for airfreight capacity is taking its toll. The market for freighters is facing one of its toughest challenges for decades. With container ships offering capacity for the cost of…

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June 22, 2009
Freighter Values Experience Significant Decline
The global recession has result in an unprecedented decline in traffic and values have inevitably been badly impacted by the contraction of so many fleets. Only two years ago there was such a lack of feedstock for conversions that prices of passenger aircraft rose by some 50 percent. How times…

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April 27, 2009
Freighter Rentals Experience Significant Fall
Data concerning the state of the airfreight market makes for grim reading. Traditionally, the freight market has been the first to suffer in a downturn and the first to recover. While the first months of the year have historically been lean, the year on year figures demonstrate the depth of…

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March 16, 2009
Freighter Values Face Diffuclt times
The fall in the demand for airfreight, not least due to the worsening output from China, has inevitably caused problems for the industry and led to some excess capacity. Even FedEx has postponed the delivery of freighters although it has exercised an option for 15 B777 Freighters in anticipation of…

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January 19, 2009
Freighter Rentals Continue to Face Weakness
Weakness in the air cargo market is usually the first sign of problems in the world economy. The cargo market has therefore been suffering for nearly a year. The shortfall in demand in the run up to the Beijing Olympics earlier in the years merely obscured more fundamental issues. The…

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November 24, 2008
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