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Aircraft Archive: Fokker F28-4000
Price of Stage 2 Aircraft Irrelevant
Placing a value on an asset suggests that it has some appeal beyond that of an existing operator or owner but unfortunately in the case of Chapter 2 aircraft interest is so limited as to make most types unsuitable for asset based financing. The Aircraft Rating (Value Rating courtesy of…

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February 8, 2016
50 Seat Market Continues Battle to Remain Viable
The 50 seat regional jet, largely an artificial market created by the restrictive scope clauses, continues to vie for a space in the used market despite the march towards larger and much more efficient aircraft. The 50 seaters, designed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, still have relevance in…

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November 30, 2015
Restrictive Scope Clauses Continue to Limit Market
The issue of Scope Clauses has been a long standing issue in the US and continues to exert its influence though not necessarily to the advantage of the consumer - or airline. The relaxation of scope clauses has been an ongoing process but the thwarted acquisition of 20 used E190s…

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August 10, 2015
Price of Stage 2 Aircraft Irrelevant
Placing a value on an asset suggests that it has some appeal beyond that of an existing operator or owner but unfortunately in the case of Chapter 2 aircraft interest is so limited as to make most types unsuitable for asset based financing. The Aircraft Rating (Value Rating courtesy of…

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July 13, 2015
50 Seat Market Remains Under Pressure
As might be expected lease rentals of 50 seaters continue to experience considerable adverse pressure as replacement becomes more of a necessity. With United opting to replace 50 seaters with A319s there is a growing appreciation that the 50 seat segment is not only under pressure as a result of…

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June 1, 2015
Price of Stage 2 Aircraft Irrelevant
Placing a value on an asset suggests that it has some appeal beyond that of an existing operator or owner but unfortunately in the case of Chapter 2 aircraft interest is so limited as to make most types unsuitable for asset based financing. The Aircraft Rating (Value Rating courtesy of…

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May 4, 2015
Rentals for 70-80 Seaters Face Modest Weakness
The values of the 70-80 seaters are experiencing a slight decline in the context of the preference for larger equipment and the ageing nature of the product range. The lower price of fuel offers operators at this end of the market the opportunity to make more money given that the…

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March 9, 2015
Price of Stage 2 Aircraft Irrelevant
Placing a value on an asset suggests that it has some appeal beyond that of an existing operator or owner but unfortunately in the case of Chapter 2 aircraft interest is so limited as to make most types unsuitable for asset based financing. The Aircraft Rating (Value Rating courtesy of…

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January 26, 2015
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