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Aircraft Archive: Fairchild Dornier 328JET
Reducing Storage Aids Regional Jet Rentals
The market for regional jets over the course of the eighteen months has been geocentric with the U.S. fleet notably employed while others have languished in storage. Storage alone does not necessarily dictate lease rentals but it does provide evidence as to potential demand and the ability of lessors to…

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November 22, 2021
Rentals Start to Show Premium Once More
The leasing of regional jets – notably outside of the U.S. – has traditionally elicited a premium when compared to mainline jets. The regional jet market has a lesser number of lessors, reducing the degree of competition. With fewer lessors, the lessees are faced with higher rentals. The vanilla operating…

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September 13, 2021
US Domestic Market Fails to Push Values Higher – Except for E175
The U.S. domestic market continues to enjoy considerable demand and this has enabled operators to place many more regional jets back into service. Breeze has a number of E190s ready to enter service. There are some 2,000 active regional jets in North America with another 300 being inactive. The same…

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July 19, 2021
Sporadic Rise in Regional Jet Rentals
The market for regional jets would seem, on the surface at least, to have largely sidestepped the most significant adverse effects of the Covid Event given that domestic and regional markets may have been able to continue to function to some extent. In the context of those countries that have…

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June 7, 2021
Few Regional Jet Lease Rentals Improve
There continues to be an assumption that due to weaker traffic then operators are flocking to lease regional jets but this far from reality. Operators are making good use of the regional jets – where they can actually be used economically. Some operators do not have the traffic to warrant…

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April 12, 2021
Regional Jet Values Stagnate
The regional jet segment should be enjoying considerable improvement at least when compared to the widebody segment but this is not the case and values remain static. While the North American market continues to be the mainstay of the regional jet market and therefore ensures a level of recovery, the…

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March 29, 2021
Regional Jet Lease Rentals Stumble
There is a perception that because traffic has fallen, operators are rushing to use smaller regional jets but this is relevant to only a few operators. Where operators already have regional jets in their fleet they are tending to use them to a greater extent but others prefer to use…

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January 18, 2021
Regional Jet Lease Rentals Stable But Still Weak
The regional jet segment of the market should be one of the more robust given the ability to serve domestic routes and short haul international sectors but in the context of local lockdowns and the limited appetite for travel, particularly among the business community, demand is not as strong as…

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November 9, 2020
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