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Aircraft Archive: Embraer 145
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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June 25, 2018
Widebody Values Fail to Match Strong Traffic
The market for most widebodies continues to be at odds to traffic growth with values for continuing to fall. The arrival of new products and the divesting of older types is contributing to the lack luster nature of the widebody market. The virtual wholesale replacement of the widebody product line…

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June 11, 2018
Intense A330/B787 Competition Could Impact Values
“Strategic” Discounting Sees Boeing Target A330neo The B787-9 remains the most desirable of widebodies in terms of suitability for asset based financing, slightly ahead of the A350-900, and therefore attracts one of the highest of AVACs Aircraft Ratings at an A—but recent competition with Airbus over its A330neo is possibly…

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June 11, 2018
Heavy BizJet Values Recover
The period 2015-2016 saw the prices of the heavy business jets experience a significant fall. The arrival of new aircraft and the associated discounting as manufacturers sought to maintain production, inevitably exacerbated the situation. The fall though eventually led to such a significant gap emerge between the new and used…

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May 28, 2018
A318 Values Continue to Fall
The market for the A318 remains difficult as the type fails to meet the needs of many operators. There are some 11 Avianca A318s in storage with another 11 ex-Frontier already scrapped. There are still some leased by GECAS amongst others and a renewal of the lease with an existing…

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May 14, 2018
Values of Some Turboprops Experience Volatility
Some of the seemingly more marketable turboprops have been experiencing considerable volatility associated with an extending product life cycle and greater used availability with the ATR72-600 being particularly impacted. While there is considerable focus on the regional jets, there is no escaping that the economics of the turboprops on shorter…

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February 19, 2018
Heavy BizJet Values Mostly Stable
The market for the larger dedicated business jets has seen signs of improvement over the last few months. The drop in values over the last few years has been significant but buyers are now aware that at current prices, the larger used business jets represent something of a bargain when…

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February 19, 2018
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Outgoing Widebodies Weaken With B777-200ER Vulnerable The values of widebodies in the process of being replaced by new types are experiencing further weakness as supply still outstrips demand despite above trend growth. The demand for leased narrowbody aircraft continues to rise with the lessors failing to satisfy demand…

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January 8, 2018
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