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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B777-300ER
Widebody Lease Rentals Falter
The new Omicron variant of the Covid virus has inevitably caused a number of problems which will hopefully be of resolved in the near future. Bookings have cancelled or not made; operators have cancelled flights; governments have closed borders; entry restrictions, testing and isolation have been reintroduced in many countries…

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December 6, 2021
Values of B747-8I Fall Into Abyss
Even before Covid the values of the B747-8 were imploding and as such the pandemic has merely made the obvious all too painfully obvious – that the B747-8 was another failure for Boeing just as much as the B757-300 and B767-400. The B747-8 was designed to be the first lengthened…

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December 6, 2021
Freighter Values At Their Peak
The airfreight market continues to enjoy strong growth with cargo traffic being some nine percent higher than the same period in 2019. When compared to September 2020 traffic is some 15 percent greater. The demand for airfreight, as detailed above, continues to show sustained growth not least because of some…

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November 22, 2021
Aircraft Ratings Show Improvement for In Production Narrowbodies
The Covid Event has inevitably caused the Aircraft Ratings of many aircraft to deteriorate but with the improvement in traffic and increased demand for fuel efficient aircraft, some Ratings have improved thus reducing the interest rate charged for some borrowers. The Aircraft Rating for many aircraft inevitably experienced a discernible…

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November 22, 2021
VVIPs Still de rigueur
There is a certain irony that the COP26 Environment meeting being held in Glasgow, Scotland, is seeing so many VVIP aircraft parked at Glasgow Airport. The very myriad of VVIP aircraft being used for the conference points to a sustained need for the type by not only governments but more…

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November 8, 2021
Values of Older Widebodies Still Struggling
International markets are opening up again, notably Australia, the U.S., New Zealand, Singapore, etc and this is set to translate into a surge in demand albeit in the coming months but the process of restoring services remains slow with the focus on employing the most expensive and efficient of widebodies…

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October 25, 2021
Will the A340-600 Still Be Flying in Five Years?
The answer is probably given the reliance of Iran on the type. The aircraft had previously been withdrawn from service in virtually its entirety but today there are approximately ten in service with another 62 in storage. In April 2020 the entire Lufthansa fleet of 17 aircraft was sent to…

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October 11, 2021
Aircraft Market Assessment - The A340-600
Market Presence. The current market for the A340-600 has experienced a precipitous fall in recent years, but stability today is at scrap levels. The disposal of aircraft by existing operators continues but in a market that fails to generate any willing buyers. The proposed sale of multiple units at discounted…

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October 11, 2021
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