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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B777-200ER
B777-200 Values Forever in the Doldrums
Any demand for the B777-200 has long since passed as the market has moved onto newer types. Many have been scrapped or placed into storage although United Airlines clings onto the type most of which were delivered at the start of the program in 1996/1997. Japan Airlines also remain an…

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February 3, 2020
Values of A380 Experience Dramatic Fall - & Will Continue to Do So
The announcement that production of the A380 would cease in 2021 was made nearly a year ago and inevitably had a significant effect on values. Even before announcement, the values of the A380 had been experiencing an accelerated decline in recent years such that the annual decline has been greater…

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January 20, 2020
Value Trend for New B777-200ERs Reflected End of Life Deterioration
The value of a new B777-200ER experienced fluctuation before declining in the last years of production, a trend that has already been repeated for the -300ER and A380 and which awaits the fate of other types currently in production. The value a new B777-200ER in 1996 – designated the “B”…

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January 20, 2020
Values of Older Widebodies Remain Under Pressure
The values of used widebodies continue to remain under pressure with the outgoing models particularly impacted by the arrival of new products and indeed, the competition for passengers. IATA reports that for November 2019, International Traffic grew by only 3.1 percent compared to November 2018. For the first eleven months…

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January 20, 2020
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Most Widebody Values Struggling to Remain Stable While the narrowbody segment of the market continues to dominate due to the strong backlog, problems of the MAX and expansion of the operator base, the values of most widebodies continue to fall, some at a significant and sustained rate. One of the…

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January 6, 2020
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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January 6, 2020
Rentals for Outgoing Widebodies Weaken
The rentals for the outgoing widebodies are under pressure as operators increasingly switch to more modern aircraft. While the focus of attention may currently be on the grounding of the B737MAX and the cessation of A380 production in the next two years, there are a considerable number of new widebodies…

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November 25, 2019
A330-200 Values Continue to Decline
The market for the A330-200 remains very fragile and inevitably values are falling. The 233 tonne A330-200, featuring improvements taken from the A340-500/-600, represented a type suited to the needs of asset based financing. The -200 operator base now features many more than the minimum 20 considered desirable for ease…

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November 11, 2019
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