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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B767-200
Values of B757-300 Fail to Inspire
When the B757-300 was first ordered by Condor Flugdienst in September 1996 it seemed that the then ubiquitous B757-200 would be accompanied by a worth companion. Unfortunately, with only 55 orders, the amount of resources expanded on the development of the larger variant has barely seemed worthwhile. Current operators are…

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January 31, 2011
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for October 31st 2010 current values represent…

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January 3, 2011
Widebody Values Start to Improve
The world economy continues to be fragile but premium traffic is recovering such that the widebody segment has improved. There is growing evidence that values of most widebodies in production have bottomed out with some even registering a modest improvement. However, there exist too many uncertainties to suggest that values…

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November 8, 2010
Freight Battered by Conflicting Statistics
Freight continues to rebound according to IATA even if the figures for August were inevitably subdued compared to previous months due to lesser falls in the year before. However, there now exists concern that the market for airfreight is not so strong as might have been expected. Indeed, traffic from…

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October 25, 2010
Residuals Prepare for Different Product Line in Ten Years
Rising Production Rates for Current Models Fail to Mask Pressure on Residuals By the end of this decade the product lines of the manufacturers will have undergone a radical change causing long term market values of current offerings to experience significant change. Virtually all segments of the current product offerings…

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October 11, 2010
Out of Production Widebodies Continue to Suffer
The lease rates of the older widebodies are largely managing to maintain stable even if the number in storage and being parted out remains high. The only way that lease rentals will rise is if the lease term is shorter and if the financial standing of the lessee weakens still…

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October 11, 2010
This is the second comprehensive current and future lease rate table to be published by Aircraft Value News. The table will be published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating…

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August 30, 2010
Freighter Market Continues to Exhibit Growth
The demand for airfreight continues to increase and more capacity has been brought back into service. The B747-400 freighters have in particular seen renewed service such that are only a few now laying idle. However, the fragility of the market ensures that interest in undertaking new conversions is limited although…

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August 16, 2010
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