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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-8
Air Canada B737-8 Sale & Leaseback Sees Unit Price of “$40 million”
The sale and leaseback of nine B737-8 aircraft by Air Canada not only highlights the need for operators to continue to extract the most from their assets to overcome financial weakness but also the discounting that the type attracts. Air Canada announced in early October that a total of nine…

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October 26, 2020
A220-500 May Serve As Stop Gap Until Arrival of Hydrogen Model
The prevailing market structure has been rattled by the Covid Event and while the manufacturers may be in the throes of stemming short term losses, there is immense pressure to be proactive in seeking solutions to the changes. Airbus, following on from the French Governments initiative to introduce a more…

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September 28, 2020
Some Values Start to Recover as Aircraft Return to Service
At Least Third of Commercial Jets Remain Idle The market is showing signs of improving but there continues to be an ebb and flow as enforcement measures are relaxed and then reinstated thus impacting consumer confidence and forcing operators to cut back capacity once again. With the U.S. domestic market…

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August 31, 2020
“Phoney War” Comes to Close for Lessors
The market for even newer narrowbodies remains dire with MAX orders being cancelled in their hundreds, dozens of customers seeking to defer deliveries, and lessors being deseiged by requests for lease rental deferals. To a large extent the worst is yet to come for lessors. While lessors have thus far…

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August 31, 2020
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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July 6, 2020
Long Term Residual Values Influenced by Government Bailouts
While there is naturally considerable focus on current market values and how they might improve in the short term, there is also a clear need to consider the effect of the Covid event on long term values and in this regard the French bailout of the aerospace sector. A number…

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June 22, 2020
Long Term Residuals See Some Gains As Manufacturers Delay New Programs
The calculation of long-term residual values inevitably encompasses an assessment of future demand in the context of product life cycles and the arrival of new products, but the Covid event sees a delay to developments that will benefit existing types. The manufacturers have already introduced significant reductions to production rates…

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May 25, 2020
Lease Rentals Experience Massive Fall
The lease rentals can be expected to fall even further than values in the short term. The lessors will seek to stave off the clamouring for rent reductions as much as possible but there has to be a measure of realism. Leases could be extended for 3-6 months or rates…

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May 11, 2020
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