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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-8
Impetus for Value Recovery Despite Dormant International Traffic
Values Slightly Higher for a Few In-Production Types As the global vaccination program gathers momentum, the market is at the very start of the recovery phase but as traffic will still take some three years more to recover to pre-pandemic levels, values of older types will continue to languish. A…

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April 26, 2021
A320neo Family & B737MAX Lease Rentals on the Rise
But Recovery to Pre-Covid Rates Not Yet Expected The market for the A320neo family and the B737MAX continues to improve as the industry seeks to clamber out of the Covid abyss although the slow rollout of the vaccination program, and the absence of a cohesive international Covid travel procedure, continues…

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April 12, 2021
B737-800 Values See Slight Rise
The values of the -800 have suffered during the Covid Event but at least there are now sufficient signs of improvement that values can exhibit something of an improvement even if the return to service of the B737-8 is having a negative effect. Orders for the -800 first appeared in…

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April 12, 2021
Newer Narrowbody Rates On Brink of Recovery
There can be no escaping that rates on a like for like basis have been decimated for some aircraft types but that the newer models have suffered to a lesser extent. As the market begins to recover, the newer aircraft types will returned to service that much sooner allowing rates…

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March 15, 2021
Narrowbody Values Struggle to Recover
Fragmented Slow Recovery Favors Newer Narrowbodies The recovery in at least narrowbody values continues to be stymied by the fragmented rollout of the vaccination program and the potential for fresh restrictions on travel as mutations pose additional threats to global health. The lowest point of the current crisis was nearly…

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February 15, 2021
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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January 4, 2021
B737-800 Values & Lease Rentals Start to See Effect of Return of B737-8
There is little doubt that the values and lease rentals of the B737-800 have been buoyed by the grounding of the B737-8 but with the return to service at a time of market weakness, any premium applied the B737NG is likely to dissipate. The values and lease rentals of both…

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December 7, 2020
Newer Narrowbody Rentals Improve Slightly
The lease rentals of newer narrowbodies have improved slightly as aircraft are returned to service but lessors are finding that some existing lessees are needing assistance in terms of deferrals and rent reductions. In the immediate aftermath of the depths of the Covid Event in April, some lessees sought to…

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November 23, 2020
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