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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-700
DAE ABS Transaction Reveals Resilient Values For Mid Life Aircraft
Standard & Poors Focusses on Maintenance Liability in Assessing Transaction Dubai Aerospace Enterprise has become the latest lessor to embrace the benefits of ABS transactions in generating cash through the creation of the 2017 Falcon Aerospace Ltd/Falcon Aerospace USA LLC ABS which is covered by 21 mostly mid life aircraft.…

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February 20, 2017
No Respite for B737-500 Values
With some 50 percent of the fleet either in storage or having been scrapped, values of the -500 have continued to decline at a rapid rate. The oldest B737-500 is only 26 years of age with a fleet average of around 20 years. Yet of the 389 that have been…

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November 14, 2016
B737-300 Continues to Face Declines
The B737-300 is able to take advantage of the demand for extra capacity during the peak Northern Hemisphere summer months but thereafter may be parked for a long period, underlining its overall lack of attraction. The values of the B737-300 have continued to experience a significant fall that started in…

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October 17, 2016
Market for Narrowbodies Remains Strong
The market for newer narrowbodies remains strong with any decline being more age related than due to the transition to new types. The mainstream A320s and B737-800s continue to be in demand though some operators are struggling to cope with lower yields resulting from increased competition and fluctuating fuel prices.…

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October 17, 2016
Aircraft Asset Assessment-The A319
Market Presence. The market has seen the introduction of many new operators but nearly all have favored the larger narrowbody variants. The new and expanding Asian carriers have sufficient traffic to warrant the use of larger aircraft. The focus on the 150, or more accurately, the 160-170 seaters, rather than…

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October 3, 2016
Values of A319 Achieve Measure of Stability
In the context of a limited orderbook, the values of the A319 have inevitably been under pressure but with pricing having reached more attractive levels the type continues to be placed. With most A319s having been built over a decade ago the rising number being moved to new operators was…

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October 3, 2016
Asking Prices of Reflect Have Sense of Reality
The asking prices of aircraft that are being publicly advertised for sale continue to have some relevance to actual market values. A 1993 A320 is on the market for $6 million which equates to the market value. The difference in values between the oldest and newest A320s ($3 million versus…

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October 3, 2016
Prices of Airliner Type Business Jets Buck Trend
If the values of commercial aircraft exhibited the types of declines experienced by the large business jets this would constitute a virtual collapse but airliner examples are managing to sidestep such issues. Airliner types – particularly the larger examples – are enjoying a measure of stability not least because of…

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September 19, 2016
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