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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-700
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The B737-700 Market Presence. The B737-700 is endemic. Almost taken for granted, the B737-700 has secured some 1,513 orders of which over 978 have been delivered. However the -800 continues to be the most popular with nearly 3,025 orders. The -700 has achieved notable success, building upon the solid foundations…

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April 27, 2009
Bombardier CS100 & CS300 Price Tag Bears No Resemblance to Values
The list prices of the CS100 and CS300 at more than $40 million are considerably above the net selling price. Whereas Airbus and Boeing can claim the 35-45 percent disparity between list price and net selling price is a function of history, the development of a new aircraft by Bombardier…

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April 13, 2009
Rentals Experience Significant Fall
Lease rentals of more modern narrowbodies have fallen by more than 20 percent compared to their peak in late 2007, with the expectation that further falls are likely. The market has passed the tipping point which occurred in early February 2009. While there continues to be activity, the contraction of…

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March 30, 2009
A320 & B737NG Lease Rentals Experience Expected >20 Percent Fall
Lower Rates Reflect Lesser Demand & Lower Interest Rates Lease rates have exhibited a significant fall over the course of the last six months such that rentals of newer narrowbodies are perhaps 20-25 percent off their recent peak. The market for newer narrowbodies continues to face severe pressure. Lessees are…

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March 16, 2009
“Beware of Geeks Bearing Formulas”
With the market experiencing a virtually unprecedented fall in traffic, gauging the extent of a decline and its duration requires an appreciation of new market dynamics rather than an extrapolation of past trends. Warren Buffett, the high profile investor, stated in his March 2009 address to investors that they should…

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March 16, 2009
Boeing List Prices Show Only Modest Increase for 2008
Gap With Net Prices Continues to Widen Despite the rapid escalation of energy related costs during the course of 2008 Boeing list prices rose by a relatively modest 2.6 percent compared to those quoted in 2007, significantly less than the 4.9 percent registered by Airbus in mid 2008. The publication…

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March 2, 2009
Current Market Values Continue To Decline
There can be no escaping the inevitability that values of all aircraft types will face a decline during the course of 2009, the only question being of what magnitude. The values of virtually all used aircraft currently in production, excepting perhaps the B777-300ER and A380, are considered to have fallen…

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February 2, 2009
Aircraft Values Face Testing Times
The values of the newer aircraft may not be experiencing a fall of the magnitude experienced by some types during this and other downturns but the trend is clearly negative and will remain so for at least another twelve months. The values of older aircraft were the first to suffer…

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February 2, 2009