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Aircraft Asset Assessment

April 27, 2009

Market Presence. The B737-700 is endemic. Almost taken for granted, the B737-700 has secured some 1,513 orders of which over 978 have been delivered. However the -800 continues to be the most popular with nearly 3,025 orders. The -700 has achieved notable success, building upon the solid foundations laid by the B737-200ADV and then the B737-400. In terms of the competition, principally the A319, orders for the Airbus product have now marginally outstripped the Boeing product, 1,526 versus 1,513 reversing an earlier trend. The Boeing type also lags behind slightly with respect to deliveries, 1,164 versus 978. The Airbus product was introduced only a year earlier than the -700. The lease rentals of the B737-700 have suffered at least a ten percent decline in recent months with the expectation of a further fall. Values of new aircraft have fallen from around $37 million to more approximate $33 million such have been the problems in the market. Whereas post 2001 the B737-700 operator base was in its infancy, the type has now been in service for over a decade and as such is much more vulnerable.

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