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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-700
Paucity of Orders Not Impacting Rentals
While the manufacturers may be finding it difficult to secure the number of orders seen in recent years, the imnpact of any perceived weakness in terms of demand has not impacted rentals of most narrowbodies still in production. The surge in the leasing of aircraft offering the ability to secure…

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September 19, 2016
Rentals Remain Stable
The rate of traffic growth continues to be above trend and this is allowing rentals to remain stable at least for the newer and MLA (Mid Life Aircraft) aircraft. The competition is intense among the lessors as more institutions enter the market and margins are therefore being impacted to some…

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May 30, 2016
Airliner Type Business Jet Values Vary
The airliner size segment of the business jet market has fortunately been able to sidestep the vagaries of the wider market due to owners having sufficient resources to continue financing aircraft from internal resources or possessing the necessary creditworthiness. The airliner type market has been in existence for many years.…

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May 16, 2016
United Airlines Buys B737-700s for “$20-25 million”
“Stratregic Pricing” Still Evident Despite Record Backlog The order for 25 B737-700s by United Airlines has reportedly been placed on the basis of a sizeable and significant discount equating to a purchase price of between $20-25 million. The 2015 list price of the B737-700 amounts to $80.6 million and the…

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May 2, 2016
CSeries Pricing Becomes More Competitive After Bail Out
The bailout of Bombardier by the Quebec Government offers the potential for more competitive pricing though such is the scale of the development costs to date that there still exists insufficient margin to compete with the other manufacturers on the more attractive orders, as evidenced by the recent order for…

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May 2, 2016
B737-600 Values Fail to Impress
In failing to capitalize on the existing fleets of the B737-500 and B737-200ADV, the -600 has demonstrated how quickly the market structure can change. More than ten percent of the fleet has already been scrapped and more are scheduled to go the same way. This contrasts with a market upon…

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May 2, 2016
CSeries Values Remain Static Despite Air Canada Order
Despite the commitment of Air Canada to order a potential 75 CSeries aircraft and the service entry of in the coming months, the values of the type remain under pressure. The Air Canada commitment for 45 firm orders and 30 options, due for delivery in the 2016-2022 time frame, represents…

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March 7, 2016
Record Backlog Fails to Improve Rentals
With such a substantive and record breaking backlog a rise in lease rentals may be expected but such is the competition among lessors that rates are instead remaining largely stable, aided by the expectation that interest rates will remain low for some time. With the level of leasing steadily increasing…

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February 22, 2016