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Aircraft Archive: B747-8I
A380 Values Remain Firm Despite Need for Fresh Orders
The values of the A380 continue to remain stable even though the type, along with the B747-8I, is suffering from a shortage of new orders. To date values of the A380 have performed well with the values of the newest and those featuring the higher MTOW edging closer to $220…

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November 4, 2013
Variety of Fortunes for Widebody Values
Values of most widebodies continue to decline in the context of age while a few are managing to hold steady due to exceptional demand. Assuming that aircraft have a useful asset life of some 20 years, this suggests that even if the market has no influence then values should fall…

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August 12, 2013
Cancellation of Five Orders Piles Pressure on Residuals
The values of the B747-8 are expected to continue to suffer as the orderbook actually declines rather than increases. The cancellation of five B747-8I orders by DAE Capital, a not unexpected event, results in an orderbook of only 40 units for the relatively new aircraft of which 14 have been…

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May 20, 2013
Values Deteriorate Due to Age
The values of widebodies may have in general exhibited a slight fall in the last quarter but this is more a reflection of normal age related changes. Assuming that aircraft have a useful asset life of some 20 years, this suggests that even if the market has no influence then…

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May 20, 2013
Scourge of Whitetails Could Create Weakness for B747-8I/8F Values
The negative effect on values of building whitetails has long since passed into folklore but the potential for a revival of the tradition seems possible as Boeing is reportedly struggling to match production efficiencies with demand. The backlog for the B747-8I/-8F is relatively strong. With 39 B747-8Fs and 28 B747-8Is…

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February 25, 2013
Widebody Values Could Gain From Growth
The expansion of the world economy has the potential to favor the values of the newer widebodies as demand outstrips supply. The international market now encompasses virtually all regions such that the economic recovery will see demand from the newer carriers. There exists considerable potential for international travel as evidenced…

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February 11, 2013
Opportunity For B747-8I Values to Improve Due to Scarce A380 Delivery Slots
The market for the B747-8I can best be characterized as uncertain due to the limited number of order coming at a time when Airbus is struggling to meet the delivery expectations of its customers. There have been only 41 orders for the B747-8I to date comprising five from Air China,…

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December 17, 2012
Widebody Values Feel The Chill of Winter
While the values of new A330-300s, A380s and B777-300ERs are managing to achieve an upturn trend most other widebodies are experiencing modest weakness. The international market continues to have some success but overall values of used aircraft are falling. The older widebodies are most at risk from the fall in…

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November 5, 2012
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