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Aircraft Archive: Antanov ATR42-300
Rates for Some Turboprops On The Rise
The market for turboprops remains stable with some aircraft recovering from previous lows. In terms of environmental compliance then the turboprops would seem to be exposed to potentially negative attention. However, the turboprops are in some ways more efficient than jets. The ATR, Saab and Dash8 products are the principal…

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December 9, 2019
Turboprop Lease Rates Remain Stable
The lease rates attributed to turboprops are managing to hold reasonably steady even as the age profile of the key leasing types advances. Because the value of a turboprop suitable for an operating lease ranges between $5-20 million this means that the returns can be relatively limited at least in…

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September 30, 2019
Values of Turboprops Remain Stable
The limited production rate of new turboprops and the sustained demand for such aircraft as new routes and operators emerge, is keeping values of turboprops at reasonable levels. Economic expansion is often accompanied by a need for improved air transport links, perhaps providing services to tourist destinations or to industrial…

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September 2, 2019
Turboprop Rentals Relevant to Popular Types
Leasing turboprops remains something of a specialist exercise at least if the maximum return is to be made. Because the value of a turboprop suitable for an operating lease ranges between $5-20 million this means that the returns can be relatively limited at least in dollar terms if not ROI.…

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June 10, 2019
Values of Older Turboprops Fare Better Than New
The market for older turboprops has a measure of resilience that sometimes eludes the newer turboprops not least because the type of aircraft is no longer in production. The price of fuel has done nothing to quell the demand for used turboprops and indeed for new examples. Lower fuel prices…

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April 15, 2019
Turboprop Rentals Relevant to Popular Types
While there are a myriad of types serving the turboprop market, there are only a few types that are leased on a traditional vanilla lease basis. The ATR, Saab and Dash8 products are the principal vehicles for leasing because they have the ability to be remarketed and have standalone asset…

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March 18, 2019
Dash8-400 Rentals Could be Affected by Disposals
The effect of a rise in the availability of key leased products on lease rentals has been clearly illustrated with the ATR72-600 during the latter part of 2017 and early 2018 and other types are exposed going forward. A year ago the planned and unexpected release onto the market of…

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October 1, 2018
Values of Some Turboprops Experience Volatility
Some of the seemingly more marketable turboprops have been experiencing considerable volatility associated with an extending product life cycle and greater used availability with the ATR72-600 being particularly impacted. Turboprops continue to dominate on routes with ranges of less than 300 nautical miles though this can increase depending on the…

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July 23, 2018
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