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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Wide Discrepancy in B777-300ER Values
Values Still Seen as Falling The market for the B777-300ER, indeed the appetite for nearly all passenger widebodies, remains exceptionally difficult and as such the values of the -300ER have either not changed since the start of the Covid Event or have continued to fall. The values of the B777-300ER…

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June 7, 2021
Recovery Stutters as Flights Barely Increase over Last Quarter
The vaccination program is well underway, at least in some countries, and there continues to be an expectation that this should translate into a major improvement in values but unfortunately the vaccination program, the border restrictions, the number of flights and international traffic make it difficult to contemplate such a…

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June 7, 2021
Values of A321XLR Approximate $60 Million on Service Entry in 2023
While the adverse effects of Covid continue to weigh heavily on values of most passenger aircraft, the development of the A321XLR represents a significant development in international travel and will serve to create significant opportunities for operators and passengers while creating monumental problems for Boeing. The A321XLR is the culmination…

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June 7, 2021
Sporadic Rise in Regional Jet Rentals
The market for regional jets would seem, on the surface at least, to have largely sidestepped the most significant adverse effects of the Covid Event given that domestic and regional markets may have been able to continue to function to some extent. In the context of those countries that have…

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June 7, 2021
Freighter Values Stabilize After Recent Rises
The overall market remains dire but at least airfreight continues to be one of the few areas which have been largely unaffected by the Covid Event. The demand for airfreight continues to be driven by the limited number of international flights that usually carry freight in the lower hold. For…

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June 7, 2021
Values & Rentals Never Performed
The B767-400 was never a niche aircraft but was instead marginalized having never produced the type of demand envisaged by Boeing but instead merely met the demands of a few loyal customers. The B767-400 was only ever ordered by Delta and United although one was also delivered to BBJ and…

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June 7, 2021
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The B767-400
Market Presence. The B767-400 was not a success for Boeing and indeed the aircraft quickly became marginalized. With only two operators the aircraft is likely to remain with existing operators for some years to come. The values of the -400 have not performed well though they are largely theoretical given…

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June 7, 2021
Values of New A320neo’s Continue to Climb
The market for the A320neo never suffered to the same extent as for most other aircraft but even so values did fall by some 20 percent. The value of a new aircraft is defined as the value of an aircraft that has just been delivered by Airbus to a customer…

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June 7, 2021