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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for April 30 th 2010 current values…

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June 21, 2010
Improvement in Distressed Discounting Indicator of Recovery
Not All Aircraft See Reduction in Fire Sale Discounting The level of discounting being applied to current market values to achieve a sale within a very limited time frame has begun to ease as values approach the trough of the cycle. Airbus                           Apr-10 Jan-10 Apr-09 Jun-08 Jun-07 May-06 May-05 Apr-04…

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June 7, 2010
Test Aircraft Values Continue to Warrant Discount
The values – and sale prices – attributed to aircraft that form part of the flight development program have historically been discounted and this trend continues with the current crop of new aircraft. The A330-200F has recently been certificated and there are expectations of fresh orders being placed due to…

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June 7, 2010
New A320s Continue To Attract Values Approximating $40 million
With the relative improvement in the market conditions, there exists a temptation to consider increasing values, particularly for new examples, but such is the fragility and vulnerability of airline industry that any such move is premature. The planned and potential rise in production rates by Airbus and Boeing may be…

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June 7, 2010
Residual Values of Turboprops Start to Take Heed of Potential Replacement
As with all aircraft, a new airframe design is dependent on the development of a suitable engine and with ATR now in format discussions with both General Electric and Pratt & Whitney, there exists an ever greater possibility that a replacement for the ATR72-500 will be launched by the end…

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June 7, 2010
Turboprop Rentals Remain Stable
The lease rentals of the turboprops have continued to enjoy stability although the issue of age is beginning to take its toll. The dispersal of used turboprops to second tier carriers can have the effect of seeing a modest increase in rates due to lesser financial strength and shorter lease…

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June 7, 2010
Newer Narrowbody Values Near Trough
The values of the newer narrowbodies have a little way to go before they reach the bottom. With values of the narrowbodies in production having fallen by more than 20 percent since the start of the recession, there is at last some light at the end of the tunnel. However,…

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June 7, 2010
B737-800 Values Remain The Strongest
For the second downturn in a row the values of the B737-800 have remained among the strongest except that in contrast to the previous trough values have managed to fall by more than 25 percent. In late 2007, a 1998 B737-800LGW was worth nearly $33 million. Today the value more…

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June 7, 2010