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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A380
Rentals for Outgoing Widebodies Falter
The COVID-19 virus is having a significant effect on demand and it must be expected that long haul traffic utilizing widebody aircraft will be impacted the most. Existing lessees will likely continue to pay lease rentals but there are many operators that have already grounded a significant number of aircraft…

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March 16, 2020
The table is published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating lease rentals differs from that of values. Lease rentals display greater volatility. Rentals are calculated individually and are not…

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March 2, 2020
Widebody Values Set to Suffer as Traffic Stalls
While the drop in demand is confined mostly to China and Hong Kong, there is also a contagion in terms of a reluctance to travel and for government restrictions on large scale events in the region. The Far East represents a major part of the worlds passenger traffic – and…

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February 17, 2020
A380 Aircraft Rating Dips to High Risk D- Grade
The Aircraft Ratings produced by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company ( show a recent sustained fall, clearly indicating that investment in the asset requires experience. The Aircraft Rating for the A380 has seen a measure of volatility since being introduced over a decade ago. The problems surrounding the service entry…

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February 3, 2020
Engine Overhaul Costs Continue to Rise
The cost of overhauling engines continues to rise but with better management, the time on wing is increasing to compensate. The rate that list prices of spare Life Limited Parts rise continues to be in excess of most other rates of inflation. The cost of overhauls is tied to some…

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February 3, 2020
Baseline Lease Rental Terms Remain Unchanged
The LRM (Lease Rental Matrix), which determines the average lease length and the adjustment to quoted lease rentals to reflect longer or shorter terms, has seen stability terms as demand eases back in terms of passenger growth. Lease terms can vary considerably and are to a large extent dependent on…

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January 20, 2020
Values of A380 Experience Dramatic Fall - & Will Continue to Do So
The announcement that production of the A380 would cease in 2021 was made nearly a year ago and inevitably had a significant effect on values. Even before announcement, the values of the A380 had been experiencing an accelerated decline in recent years such that the annual decline has been greater…

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January 20, 2020
Value Trend for New B777-200ERs Reflected End of Life Deterioration
The value of a new B777-200ER experienced fluctuation before declining in the last years of production, a trend that has already been repeated for the -300ER and A380 and which awaits the fate of other types currently in production. The value a new B777-200ER in 1996 – designated the “B”…

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January 20, 2020