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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A330-300L
Widebody Values Enjoy Further Modest Rises
The peak summer season has arrived and the demand for widebody capacity has risen, allowing values to exhibit an improvement. The peak summer season offers operators the opportunity to realize the sometimes extreme measures that have been undertaken over the last few year. British Airways, for example, is announcing higher…

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July 11, 2005
Widebody Values Experience Sporadic Increase
The first quarter of any year is usually the leanest in terms of revenue for operators and demand for aircraft. While the market overall is continuing to enjoy sustained growth, the high sustained high price of fuel has taken its toll on the finances of operators. The continued fragility of…

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May 2, 2005
Widebody Values Settle For Stability
The current market conditions may suggest that sustained growth is in the cards, but too many negatives remain during the first quarter to justify any increase in widebody values. The problems being experienced by the U.S. legacy carriers continue to dominate the current market conditions making any significant increase in…

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February 7, 2005
Widebody Values Remain on Upward Trend
The effect of the Asian tsunami in terms of reducing tourist traffic to the affected areas highlights the fragility of the aviation industry to outside events. But this natural disaster is not expected to have a detrimental impact on widebody values. There was a slight improvement in the values of…

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January 10, 2005
Widebody Values Continue to Edge Higher
While the problems associated with some of the U.S. legacy carriers continues to undermine confidence in the upswing in values, the sustained improvement in other regions has allowed widebody values a measure of further improvement. There has been a considerable appetite for used equipment, as some flag carriers are still…

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October 4, 2004
Widebody Values Begin to Improve
The excess of widebodies in production has been re-absorbed into the market, helping values begin to rise. The market for widebodies during the previous three years has been characterized by potential and actual availability. Both Airbus and Boeing [BA] have been active in re-marketing their surplus aircraft with notable success.…

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June 28, 2004
Widebody Demand Signals Possible Rise in Values
Despite the concern over higher fuel prices, the arrival of the peak summer season in the Northern Hemisphere increases the prospects of greater demand for widebody capacity and a continuation in the improvement of some widebody values. The high price of fuel, now sustained for a number of months, remains…

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June 14, 2004
Widebody Values on Brink of Rise
A sufficient proportion of the excess newer widebodies could be reabsorbed back into the fleet, offering the potential for an increase in some values. The increase in international traffic, notwithstanding the shortfall in U.S. travelers due the weak dollar, is of sufficient magnitude to allow operators to consider acquiring additional…

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March 22, 2004
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