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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A318-100
Lease Rentals Rising
The lease rentals of many of the narrowbodies still in production have risen although some types are facing sustained downward pressure. Rentals are provided by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company or Rates are quoted in thousands of US dollars per month and exclude maintenance reserves. They assume a…

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November 8, 2010
Lease Rentals Start to Rise
The much awaited occasion of the rise in lease rentals and therefore the recovery, is in evidence - at least for the newer aircraft types. Rentals are provided by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company or Rates are quoted in thousands of US dollars per month and exclude maintenance…

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August 2, 2010
Lease Rentals Continue to Show Stability
The lease rentals of the majority of jets have continued to behave as expected and remained stable. Whatever the negatives there is greater interest in aircraft leasing. Air Lease Corporation is close to being formed with former executives from ILFC and finance has been secured. Avolon of Ireland is close…

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May 10, 2010
Lease Rentals Show Some Stability
Despite the leanest of quarters for the airlines, lease rentals of in-production narrowbodies are considered to have achieved a measure of stability although lessors sometimes need to offer inducements in the form of step rates. Comparing lease rentals on a like for like basis can be difficult given the influence…

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February 15, 2010
Recovery In Rentals Still Six Months Away
Lease rentals of even the more popular aircraft types are considered to have sustained further falls in the context of still fragile demand. Comparing lease rentals on a like for like basis can be difficult given the influence of interest rates. The lack of credit initially drove LIBOR up despite…

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October 26, 2009
Rentals Continue to Falter
The lease rentals of the more “desirable” narrowbodies – if indeed such a term can be used in the midst of the current malaise – continue to fall in the face of sustained problems. While there are still deals to be done, the raft of new deliveries, combined with significant…

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July 6, 2009
Rentals Experience Significant Fall
Lease rentals of more modern narrowbodies have fallen by more than 20 percent compared to their peak in late 2007, with the expectation that further falls are likely. The market has passed the tipping point which occurred in early February 2009. While there continues to be activity, the contraction of…

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March 30, 2009
Rates Deterioate
While it is so easy to latch onto a single example and use it as the basis for a general trend, there can be no denying that the lease rentals of even the more popular types have begun to wane. The third quarter results of lessors has not indicated a…

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December 8, 2008
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