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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A310-200
Older Widebody Values Will Not Recover
The fortunes of the older widebodies are at rock bottom even if the price of fuel remains consistently low. Older widebodies may have the advantage of low capital cost but they also have the ability to drain resources and threaten reliability. The three person cockpits, the D checks, engine overhauls…

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March 30, 2009
Rates Continue to Weaken
The older widebodies continue to face difficulties despite the fall in the price of fuel. With newer widebodies no longer in such shortage, the older aircraft are failing to experience the benefits of the Ripple Effect. The lease rentals are therefore facing new pressures. The lower interest rates are also…

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February 2, 2009
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for October 31st 2008 current values represent…

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January 5, 2009
No Hiding Place For Older Widebody Values
Despite the significant fall in the price of fuel to around $50 a barrel, the lack of demand for the older widebodies, due to reduced traffic levels, has continued to cause problems for values. The previous high price of fuel merely exposed the vulnerability of the widebodies to a sustained…

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December 8, 2008
Turboprop Rentals Dodge Market Uncertainty
The pressure on jet lease rentals is intensifying but for turboprops the market remains virtually unchanged. While the number of new order placements during the course of the first six months is disappointing (see above) the backlog remains sufficiently healthy as to prevent any material deterioration in new or used…

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September 29, 2008
Rates Continue to Face Tough Market
The older and less efficient widebodies continue to face difficult market conditions. Even though the price of fuel may have fallen from earlier highs and a shortage of new widebodies exists, the combination of lesser efficiency, rising maintenance costs, unreliability and increasing delivery rates are serving to displace older aircraft.…

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September 15, 2008
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Only Values of a Few Widebodies Avoid Decline Over just six months values have again felt the chill wind of a downturn as fuel prices soar to record levels. The aircraft most vulnerable to a fall are essentially those no longer in production. Operators are having to reduce services to…

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July 7, 2008
Values of Older Widebodies Continue To Equate To Scrap Levels
The combination of age, maintenance and inefficiency continue to take their toll on the older widebodies so much so that values for virtually all type remain at scrap levels. The high price of fuel continues to accelerate the retirement of older aircraft. The cost of reconfiguring the older widebodies is…

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June 23, 2008
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