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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A310-200
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Outgoing Widebodies Weaken With B777-200ER Vulnerable The values of widebodies in the process of being replaced by new types are experiencing further weakness as supply still outstrips demand despite above trend growth. The demand for leased narrowbody aircraft continues to rise with the lessors failing to satisfy demand…

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January 8, 2018
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for April 30th 2017 represent adjustments for…

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July 10, 2017
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Used Widebody Values Suffer But Aircraft Ratings Largely Stable The demand for new aircraft remains unprecedented with the manufacturers increasing production but values of such new aircraft have failed to rise and even a rise in U.S. interest rates has had little positive effect on lease rentals. The world economy…

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January 11, 2016
Asking Prices for Airbus Aircraft Remain High
The difference between the asking prices for older and younger A320s continues to be significant, a situation which is expected to persist. While asking prices for new aircraft rarely reflect the eventual negotiated selling price they at least provide some guidance. A 1999 A319 is being offered at a price…

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June 30, 2014
Early A320 Asking Prices Approximate Scrap Values
The values of more modern Airbus aircraft have been comparable to those of competitors but inevitably, and in common with all manufacturers, there are some types that have not proved so popular in the long term and values have fallen. A 1989 A300-600RSF has an asking price of $6 million…

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October 7, 2013
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Seeking to sell a used unencumbered aircraft for cash, even one less than ten years of age, continues to require considerable pricing flexibility and the preference for newer aircraft continues.  Values of aircraft generally managed to regain some of their losses incurred during the Great Recession but sufficient weakness in…

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July 15, 2013
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
The problems in the Eurozone, and elsewhere in the advanced economies, are continuing to affect disposal income and discretionary travel to a larger extent than perhaps during the midst of the Great Recession. Inflationary pressures associated with higher fuel and food prices are reducing the amount of cash available to…

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January 14, 2013
Residuals of B767-300ER Could Gain from FedEx Interest
The residual value projections for the B767-300ER have been facing downward pressure due to the prospect of accelerated replacement by the B787 once Boeing gears up production of the new type but with FedEx potentially seeking used equipment for conversion, the severity of the fall may be more limited. The…

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November 5, 2012
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