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Values of B777-200 Were Never Destined for Greatness

March 27, 2023

The development of the B777 was a conscious decision by Boeing to make use of new engine technology and a changing market environment. While Airbus finally reconciled the defects of a twin engines/four engined policy by developing the A350, the twin-engined design of Boeing sought to build upon the development of much more reliable engine technology a decade before being adopted by Airbus. The only reason that the DC10 and L1011 featured three engines was because engines at that time were not reliable enough to facilitate twin engined operations overwater or indeed to be able to take-off at certain airports, not least La Guardia in New York. Without reliable engines, a long-range twin engined was neither practical nor economic. Only in the latter years of the 1990s did the concept of fragmentation and point to point intercontinental services become a reality.

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