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Values of Turboprops Remain Stable Despite Fuel
The lower price of fuel, which should seemingly allow operators to fly regional jets more efficiently, has not had an impact on the values of turboprops as demand for used equipment remains robust. The turboprop market is one that is largely ignored by the air transport community primarily as the…

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March 7, 2016
Lease Encumbered Values Take On New Significance
Transactions Increasingly Focus on Attached Lease As the number of aircraft traded on a standalone basis diminishes, aircraft values are increasingly needing to assess the value of the attached lease – the Lease Encumbered Current Market Value (LECMV) or Securitized Value (SV). The number and more importantly, the proportion of…

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March 7, 2016
CSeries Values Remain Static Despite Air Canada Order
Despite the commitment of Air Canada to order a potential 75 CSeries aircraft and the service entry of in the coming months, the values of the type remain under pressure. The Air Canada commitment for 45 firm orders and 30 options, due for delivery in the 2016-2022 time frame, represents…

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March 7, 2016