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Aircraft Archive: Saab 2000
Values of B737-300 Remain Stable
The rise in lease rentals over the course of the last few years has eventually led to a slight improvement in values.   B737-300 Vital Statistics LAUNCH Mar-81 FIRST FLIGHT Feb-84 SERVICE ENTRY Nov-84 ORDERS 09/03 1,113 DELIVERIES 09/03 1,113 AVAILABILITY 14 OPERATORS 123 ENGINE TYPES CFM56 IN STORAGE 37…

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August 20, 2007
Values of Aircraft in Production Remain on High
The values of those narrowbodies still in production remain strong not least because of a backlog that keeps on extending. Although some sale and leasebacks are resulting in high prices owing to higher rentals, those aircraft that are being sold with an existing attached lease may be featuring much lower…

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August 6, 2007
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Strong Market Keeps Values on Even Keel The market for jets remains very strong such that values of the mainstream jets have enjoyed a further rise over the last six months. The considerable number of orders secured by Airbus and announced during the Paris Salon last month points to still…

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July 9, 2007
Strong Demand For Widebodies
The market for newer widebodies remains sufficiently strong as to allow values a measure of further improvement. Virgin and British Airways have announced their intention to start business-only operations. While some aircraft may be switched from existing services, they may face a delay in acquiring additional units from the manufacturers.…

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June 25, 2007
Regional Jet Values Remain Stable
Despite the emphasis on larger regional jets the majority of values of jets in the regional sector continue to hold steady. The troubles of the U.S. majors seem to be largely over though large scale replacement and high fuel prices will likely cause some problems as will the weakening U.S.…

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May 28, 2007
Slight Improvement in Lease Rentals
The prospects for the MD83 in the medium to long term remain grim but at least lease rentals have shown a modest improvement. Despite still being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 continue to falter. While the Ripple Effect has allowed the fortunes of other…

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May 28, 2007
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The B767-300ER Market Presence. The B767-300ER presented the operating leasing community with the ideal tool with which to enter the widebody operating lease arena. Throughout the 1990s the B767-300ER enjoyed considerable success but then fell victim to the usual problem of lengthy production and market saturation. Past success was achieved…

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May 14, 2007
Turboprop Rentals Still On The Up
The demand for turboprops is amply illustrated by the potential development of a new family by Bombardier. A decade ago turboprop manufacturers were anxious to leave the sector as quickly as possible. Saab, Dornier, Fairchild and BAE Systems all sought to limit the effect of a lack of demand for…

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May 14, 2007