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Aircraft Archive: Saab 2000
Widebody Values Stable
To some extent the market for widebodies remains underserved creating a shortage and allowing values to show further modest signs of improvement. The delay in the delivery of the B787 has demonstrated the lack of widebody capacity. The B787 will not be delivered for at least another six months, possibly…

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October 29, 2007
B737-500 Values Start to Look Vulnerable
The values of the -500 are starting to suffer as the market moves towards alternative types. The introduction of new, larger regional jets as well as a changing structure and ageing product life cycle means that the B737-500 is losing some of its advantage. The lack of replacement orders for…

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October 29, 2007
Turboprop Values Exhibit Increase
The values of turboprops have continued to enjoy solid performance to the extent that prices and lease rentals have risen. A consequence of the recovery in the turboprop market has been the difficulty for some traders to find aircraft to sell. Lease rentals have improved but so too have values.…

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October 1, 2007
Banking Crisis Puts Values On Watch
Nervous Markets Could Stifle Further Rise in Values The on-going volatility in the worlds stock markets owing to lending in the U.S., has caused financial institutions and private individuals to carefully consider their investments such that cash needed to fund the increasing number of aircraft deliveries may be more difficult…

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September 17, 2007
Values of Regional Jets On Even Keel
The market for used 50-seat regional jets has far from disappeared and has been sufficient to absorb most of the remaining excess emanating from disposals from carriers such as Independence. The older CRJ100s as well as the smaller regional jets such as the ERJ135 and 328JET (except in a corporate…

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September 17, 2007
B777-300 Residuals Fail to Impress
The widebody market continues to grow but the values of the -300 continue to decline. Virtually all -300s remain with their original customers which makes for difficult determination of market values. Orders for the B777-300 total only 60, down from four years ago when 62 were on order. The last…

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September 3, 2007
Values of B737-300 Remain Stable
The rise in lease rentals over the course of the last few years has eventually led to a slight improvement in values.   B737-300 Vital Statistics LAUNCH Mar-81 FIRST FLIGHT Feb-84 SERVICE ENTRY Nov-84 ORDERS 09/03 1,113 DELIVERIES 09/03 1,113 AVAILABILITY 14 OPERATORS 123 ENGINE TYPES CFM56 IN STORAGE 37…

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August 20, 2007
Potential A340 Scrapping Increases Need for Residual Risk
Parting Out Fortunately Unusual So Early in Life Cycle The first possible parting out of an A340-300 underlines the fragility of widebody residuals, particularly when assuming service lives can be 30 years or more. The A340-300 being considered for parting out is owned by lessor, AerCap. The aircraft, serial number…

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August 20, 2007