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Aircraft Archive: Saab 2000
Widebody Values Continue to Fall
The parting out of a 19 year old B747-400 by Air New Zealand underlines the severity of the market. Values of even the most popular of aircraft have fallen as the market fails to improve. The contraction of fleets, the delivery of new aircraft and the loss of premium traffic…

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June 22, 2009
B737-300 Values Face Further Falls
While there are some who expect values of the B737-300 to stage a recovery, the overhang in the backlog and the number of more modern alternatives now available suggest that there will be no such improvement. B737-300 Vital Statistics LAUNCH 03/1981 STANDARD MTOW 124,500lbs LIST PRICE N/A FIRST FLIGHT 02/1984…

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June 22, 2009
Values Continue to Fall
The lower price of fuel is no match for the decline in traffic in the key North American region. Mexico, at least until recently, was seeking to take advantage of the mounting surplus of regional jets such has been the fall in value over the last eighteen months. The values…

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May 25, 2009
Asking Prices Start to Become More Realistic
The much more somber mood of the market is at last translating into more realistic asking prices for most aircraft though there remain some anomalies. The B737-300 is available in quantity such that buyers can take their pick. A 1989 aircraft is priced at $8.5 million while another of the…

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May 25, 2009
Turboprop Rentals Experience Modest Fall
While the turboprop sector previously managed to avoid the shortfalls in demand experienced by the jet sector, there can be no escaping the effects of the economic malaise affecting the demand for air travel. The manufacturers now have to work harder to find new customers while placing used equipment requires…

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May 25, 2009
Aircraft Values Experience Appreciable Fall
There exists a temptation to refute any talk of a fall in values in types that previously held the mantle of most popular. The values of the newer aircraft may not be experiencing a fall of the magnitude experienced by some types during this and other downturns but the trend…

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May 11, 2009
First Quarter Orders Suggest Worse is to Come
The net order book for the manufacturers failed to materially advance in the first quarter of this year, underlining the severity of the market and contrasting with the larger orders placed in the first quarter of 2008. Airbus saw three cancellations for the A318 in the first quarter, a similar…

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April 27, 2009
The listing of current and future market values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption, following ISTAT Market Value guidelines, is that the aircraft is being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for…

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April 13, 2009