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Aircraft Archive: Saab 2000
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for April 30 th 2010 current values…

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June 21, 2010
Turboprop Rentals Remain Stable
The lease rentals of the turboprops have continued to enjoy stability although the issue of age is beginning to take its toll. The dispersal of used turboprops to second tier carriers can have the effect of seeing a modest increase in rates due to lesser financial strength and shorter lease…

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June 7, 2010
Newer Narrowbody Values Near Trough
The values of the newer narrowbodies have a little way to go before they reach the bottom. With values of the narrowbodies in production having fallen by more than 20 percent since the start of the recession, there is at last some light at the end of the tunnel. However,…

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June 7, 2010
Asking Prices Reflect Optimism
The asking prices for aircraft continues to err on the side of optimism but as with any seller, there is always the opportunity to negotiate down but never up. A 1986 ex-Austrian Airlines A310-300, with a MTOW of 153 tonnes, is on the market priced at $12.8 million. This compares…

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May 24, 2010
Widebody Values Edge Downwards
Despite signs that the market is improving such is the fragility of the economic recovery and the uncertainty that values in some cases have edged downwards rather than up. The problems surrounding Japan Airlines has resulted in a 20 percent fall in values over the last few months. This is…

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May 10, 2010
AVACs Industry Standard Aircraft Ratings Decline As Product Line Changes
The latest update to The Aircraft Value Analysis Company’s (AVAC) Aircraft Ratings indicates that the relative asset strength of the majority of aircraft still in production is set to decline over the next seven years, largely as a consequence of the service entry of new products. The Aircraft Ratings, the…

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April 26, 2010
Regional Jets Seek to Escape Doldrums
The wider economy may be starting to enjoy the benefits of stronger conditions but the regional jet market has yet to register notable orders. Delivery rates have suffered as operators have sought to preserve cash and perhaps even acquire turboprops as a means of achieving better economies of scale. However,…

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April 12, 2010
Availability Levels Belie Real Surplus
The levels of availability continue to show relatively modest levels which can distort the perceived strength – or weakness - of the market. The number of aircraft actively being marketed today would seem to be at lower levels than during the depths of the market in 2002-2003. With a current…

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April 12, 2010