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Aircraft Archive: Saab 2000
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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June 25, 2018
Increasing Competition Could Impact Rentals
The traditional operating lease product continues to focus on the newer more popular types whereas finance leases and loans may feature on used and older aircraft. The operating lease market has expanded in recent years but compared to the jet sector, the number of lessors is more limited as is…

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June 11, 2018
Widebody Values Fail to Match Strong Traffic
The market for most widebodies continues to be at odds to traffic growth with values for continuing to fall. The arrival of new products and the divesting of older types is contributing to the lack luster nature of the widebody market. The virtual wholesale replacement of the widebody product line…

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June 11, 2018
Heavy BizJet Values Recover
The period 2015-2016 saw the prices of the heavy business jets experience a significant fall. The arrival of new aircraft and the associated discounting as manufacturers sought to maintain production, inevitably exacerbated the situation. The fall though eventually led to such a significant gap emerge between the new and used…

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May 28, 2018
Parked Aircraft Continue to Below 7% of the Fleet
The number of aircraft in storage or parked has lost much of its relevance over the last ten years whereas at one time, it was a crucial component in determining values. According to Jet Information Services ( of the 28,626 commercial jet aircraft in service as of the end of…

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May 28, 2018
…..As B797 Launch Draws Ever Nearer Affecting Residuals of Existing Types
Boeing is likely to have undertaken considerable work on the B797 even if the formal launch is not expected until next year. The entry into service date is still expected in 2025 although based on past performance of modern aircraft development periods, this could easily slip into 2026. To some…

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May 28, 2018
Production Rate Hike Will Continue to Constrain Residual Values
Narrowbody Residuals Not Expected to Increase The pressure - and resulting planning - for a further increase in narrowbody production early in the next decade will do little to aid residual values for both older and newer narrowbodies. There is little doubt that the recent above trend growth in passenger…

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May 14, 2018
Values & Rentals Face DC10-10 Fate
The B767-400 is a niche aircraft having never produced the type of demand envisaged by Boeing essentially filling a gap for a few customers. The B767-400 was only ever ordered by Delta and United although one was also delivered to BBJ and is currently operated by the Bahrain Government. With…

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April 30, 2018
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